Sort your selfs out



Start rant...

Im Jason.

Im a Scaffolder.
Been one all my adult life - straight from School.
Always will be one.

My Attitude: Treat me as you expect to be treated.
Ill do anything to help you, if you need it, but dont take me for a mug - because i will NOT stand for it.
At 5ft 6, im a small bloke, but that dont mean im going to put up with any shiit.
I wont.

My Opinion: Im a very good Scaffolder (arrogant? i dont give a f.uck) - if anyone out there are not good at their jobs, then its THEIR problem - not mine... get better at it or do another job.
Scaffolding is easy... its the people we work with that make it difficult.

My videos: Are NOTHING to do with anyone else.
Im not "giving it the big i-am" - they are solely for the purpose of getting work.
Each is auto uploaded to my online CV for any future employers to see... theres tens of thousands on LINKEDIn where my CV is.
Unfortunately my Dad is an Accountant - so 'Daddy' cant get me a job Scaffolding... nor am i a "friend of a friend" - so i have to use the tools available to me to get work, ie: the internet.


F.uck you.

Ask anyone who has worked with me.
I work hard, i help people, i dont shiit-stir or grass... EVERYONE i work with takes my number and keeps in touch.

Why? Because im a nasty, selfish, wrong-un?
No... well you work it out, eh?

Im at London Bridge (the so-called mecca), ive given dozens of blokes the details here who have PM'd me, to try to help them get work.

You have a problem with me?
F.uck you.

Eventually ill come onto your job and you can tell me what exactly you think.
... a weeks wages says you wont...

Basically to all the haters out there: F.uck you. :)

Rant over.
Why do you even don't have to explain or prove a god damn thing to anyone...if its getting on you're wick delete you're account...
Pig sick of people bringing me up all the time...
Thats why.
Jason your a legend mate - **** em
when people here your name the wont think prick thell think lado that does the vids personally jay you need to have a wee smoke lol i think most online scaffolding thiny ma bob will of her of you so hey your famous take the rought wth the smooth .... you like jordan of the scaffold world every 1 will have an opinion of ya .....bag of bush ?
Aint it about time someone else got some 'attention' eh Fred?

Im defo no Legend... Leg end is more like it. :)
I stand by what ive said previously though.

Talk about someone else for a change.
Its getting boring now.
What Jason says in his statement is true , This place is full of haters or members who are here to simply take the piss .

I don't know if its Jealousy , or your envious of his ability's but it seems if you have brains ( 80% of Scaffolders don't ) your seen as a Alien here .

Now i don't know Jason and have never meet him but i find his Videos fun to watch , if he finds the time to post his Videos here and participate in other members posts then he should be shown respect , not flamed for posting them , If i was him i would say **** this forum and use ScaffMag instead where Dan would welcome him with open arms .
If you are prepared to put yourself out there on nearly all forms of social media then surely youve got to be prepared to take flak and pi*s taking at some stage. Not everyone is gonna like you or the things you post but we are all welcome to opinions on open forum..good or bad.
I allways thought thick skin was mandatory in this game.

its all part of the game mate dont let it get to you.

Im gonna get drunk tonight and start abusing all you lot instead
Let me know how you think after i start talking about your kids and missus though, ok?
(like ive had to endure).

Theres the craic and theres abuse.
After several weeks of it - long long after thngs have cooled down, your still getting sarcastic conments, it that all good fun?

Thing is, i dont hide behind a fake profile.
Ive got a pair of balls... got a spine... unlike most here.

Let the abuse continue later. :)
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