sold out again by our own government aaahhh

Build british . The only way forward stop privatisation of british owned companies ie postoffice and the likes, invest in the british youth, todays childern are tomorrows future threw morden apprentiships non of this uni larl with a dgree in social domestic flirtation crap or sociolagy and what have you (uni is just a ploy to keep the unemployment fiegure down by about 60% in the under 25's). Build up or own powerplants is the way forward and not pay foreign companies for our own supplies from our own soil,
How About A Bit Of Protectionism For The British Craftsman For Once, A Bit Of Fair Treatment Now And Again Might Not Go Amiss.
The bare faced cheek of the cants,only the other week they were up in arms when india decided to buy fighters off the french.
Why the feck should the rest of the world,old empire or not buy british when our own government wont.
Yes the tories destroyed manufacturing,yes the labour party sold out its own workiers party politics.
So what now whats the answer--your veiws appreciated

Here's a view for you. If India are buying fighters off the French, why are we sending them millions of tax payers cash when we have plenty living in poverty in our own country?

Very good point indeed given that India is one of the fastest growing World economies---creating vast wealth and churning out numerous amounts of Graduates---Millionaires galore, Tata comes too mind = Steel = Landrover and Indian Motor Cars by the Millions...

We need to feed our own needy first do we not ?...

Very good point indeed given that India is one of the fastest growing World economies---creating vast wealth and churning out numerous amounts of Graduates---Millionaires galore, Tata comes too mind = Steel = Landrover and Indian Motor Cars by the Millions...

We need to feed our own needy first do we not ?...

We do and there are plenty to be fed at home which is a disgrace in a modern world.

India I know has more and there are many living in absolute depravity but FFS if they can buy fighters, invest in a space programme they can build public infrastructures like sewers and bring their own people clean water without our help. I just don't get it.
They can build there own Country up no probs---they managed to take all our Manufacturing of Scaffold Component Parts and Tube no bother eh---and look at the feckin quality, feckin 90 z are disintegrating in yer hand before you get them on a feckin tube LOL...
What do we pay for a double, around £1 or thereby. How much would you guesstimate the equivalent would cost us to be made in Britain? Forget quality just price.
More than a pound i'd say,but other countrys have tax concessions to counter this,thus ensuring the home market can compete with cheap imports,but can you see our tax grabbing b*stards doing this,honestly,it's not rocket science ffs:(
We do and there are plenty to be fed at home which is a disgrace in a modern world.

India I know has more and there are many living in absolute depravity but FFS if they can buy fighters, invest in a space programme they can build public infrastructures like sewers and bring their own people clean water without our help. I just don't get it.

thats right aom the amounth of aid we give them is the same as the spend on the5re space programme they did how ever try and refuse out aid few weeks ago but we insisted they needed it as the vase majoritie of there country is still in poverty even thow like you say they are buying fighters and space machines and god know hwat eles and gary ay right charity starts at home how can we justify giving aid when were not completley out of poverty our slev with the old and the vunrable coming worst of in this poverty
More than a pound i'd say,but other countrys have tax concessions to counter this,thus ensuring the home market can compete with cheap imports,but can you see our tax grabbing b*stards doing this,honestly,it's not rocket science ffs:(

From what little I know it's more about labour costs and conditions, there may well be tax concessions but we do that as well to try and attract jobs and found to our cost that a lot use up any and all grants available before shipping out lock stock and barrel to the next unsuspecting country desperate to attract jobs to their shores.

I may be wrong, I quite often am but I feel we have to accept the world has changed and we need to find a place in it if we want to be the Kings of anything once more.

As usual, no answers from Aom but I do know things are tough and without change we are heading for stormy waters again.
tax breaks for foreign investment!!
i remember working on the construction of a huyundai factory in dunfermline about 15 years ago,this was largely funded with government grants.
all the plant right down to floor tiles came from south korea.
then when the tiger economys hit a recession they pulled out and never even finnished the buiilding,and you guessed it the plant equipment all went home.
that massive buildiong still lies empty :mad:
Which is the most annoying thing about it, will we ever learn? Have our wages and expenses become so high we are no longer cost effective and now doomed to be as the Germans noted a nation of shopkeepers once again?

Not wishing to be pedantic aom but it was actually Napoleon (French) who said we were a nation of shopkeepers.
Obviously our shop assistants gave him a shock at Trafalgar and Waterloo lol
haha, told you I was only a thick scaff.:D
You don't have too.:embarrest:

---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

tax breaks for foreign investment!!
i remember working on the construction of a huyundai factory in dunfermline about 15 years ago,this was largely funded with government grants.
all the plant right down to floor tiles came from south korea.
then when the tiger economys hit a recession they pulled out and never even finnished the buiilding,and you guessed it the plant equipment all went home.
that massive buildiong still lies empty :mad:

That was one of the incidents I was thinking off and the chung wung or what ever you call the tv makers as well.
we need to expand ou industrial manufacturing base to help pull us out of recession,and stave off any future recession was bleated by the billionaire osbourne if im correct.
then why i ask has daewoo in korea been given the contract to build 4 new tankers at a cost of £452 million,to us the great british tax payer.
this is apparently the best deal for the british tax payer.
the thousands of reasonably well payed shipyard workers who would have all payed taxes on any wages,and also the fact that the moneys earned by said workers would be spent in the GB obviously doesnt come into the equation.
ive just got over the new stell contracts for ther new forth bridge being given to poland spain and someother shiithole we are probably baqilling out soon. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

---------- Post added at 12:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

feck knows what happened there but im pissed off with this backward country that shits on its own all the time

The British Government shiiting on its own...? = No change there then.
Whos surprised? Im not. Seems that its more 'financially' beneficial for the Politicians to look after every other Tom, Diick and Harry, then their own people.

Well with the backhanders they MUST be getting, they are never going look after us.
the great british shopkeeper showed napoleon with a wee bit of help from the prussians (germans).
I think we should have stuck with them instead of sideing with the french,look how much gratitude they have shown us for bailling them out twice.
I blame that Austian carnt adolph for the state of everything. He got millions of Europes finest young working men to bayonet each other,leaving countries with a shortage of manpower. Which meant going to the colonies to recruit pick up the pieces. Imo,europe would have stayed the same if the carnt didnt have a master plan.
touche freddy. the 2 world wars cost europe millions of its young men and women and yes cheap foreign workers did come to work and never went back
ps,do you ever sleep ive got an excuse im on nights
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