sold out again by our own government aaahhh


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2009
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we need to expand ou industrial manufacturing base to help pull us out of recession,and stave off any future recession was bleated by the billionaire osbourne if im correct.
then why i ask has daewoo in korea been given the contract to build 4 new tankers at a cost of £452 million,to us the great british tax payer.
this is apparently the best deal for the british tax payer.
the thousands of reasonably well payed shipyard workers who would have all payed taxes on any wages,and also the fact that the moneys earned by said workers would be spent in the GB obviously doesnt come into the equation.
ive just got over the new stell contracts for ther new forth bridge being given to poland spain and someother shiithole we are probably baqilling out soon. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

---------- Post added at 12:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

feck knows what happened there but im pissed off with this backward country that shits on its own all the time
Must be some dark deals done behind the scenes Dafty. But for the life of me makes you wonder why,in these times,contracts going abroad.
Agreed daftscaff,even if the powers that be had to subsidise the british based firms it's feckin obvious with an ailing economy,and no heavy industry,high unemployment,we need to be awarding these contracts to our own,and by subsidise i mean maybe take less tax,that would be enough,the brown envelope brigade have been at it again me thinks:(
Must be some dark deals done behind the scenes Dafty. But for the life of me makes you wonder why,in these times,contracts going abroad.

Its all on the size of the brown envelope, I'm of the opinion we should offer the contract of Government to a foreign company, we've got nothing left to loose.
nout new there then

Which is the most annoying thing about it, will we ever learn? Have our wages and expenses become so high we are no longer cost effective and now doomed to be as the Germans noted a nation of shopkeepers once again?
Well for a start we could have awarded 4 new tankers to 4 different yards keeping thousands employed.

There is nothing that big up here but we do have lots of large and some not so large car ferries feeding our many islands. There was much excitement a couple of years back when they announced a brand new boat was to be built to service Islay, only to be followed by disappointment in equal measure a couple of months later it was announced it was to be built in Poland.

I'm no economist but it can be for one reason and one reason only as we have the skills and the infrastructure to handle ship building, we were the Kings FFS. Labour costs would be the only significant difference from my limited experience. We will have to settle for the now many call center jobs making their way back home now big business has found out that some Indian calling himself Dave is fooling no one.
first it was bombadier shafted for the siemens group out bid due to the EU trade laws which we only seem to abide by then the steel work for the new bridge over the forth and now this.
anybody who has worked offshore on anytghing built in korea knows that they come out half finished,ive worked on many insurance jobs due to the poor standard of workmanship.that aside we are in the shiit as an economy and to throw money out to foreign yards is not fecking on.
I dont want to deflect from the core Thread Point, however, with the recent announcement of the New 3rd Generation Nuclear Power Stations how many UK Supply Chain and Construction Contractors are actually going to benefit ???---Energy De France have got their own established Approved Contractors List many of which are European...

Were all getting shafted right , left and center...

Feck sake lets put the Great back into Britain---we are the laughing stock of the Planet---is it little wonder that the prime of UK Talent are immigrating...

We cannt even return to being a Nation of shop keepers again---there all taken over by you know who...
Aye,trying not to be the harbinger of doom,but i honestly cant see anything other than the power stations,to be optimistic about,and even then they'll probally use foreign firms with foreign labour,this once great country is well fecked:sad:
the stage was set with staythorpe power station,and lindsay oil refinery with the foreign workers.
why do we need the french anyway,we started the whole nuclear generating programme with douneray in the 50s.
its going to be a bumpy ride with plenty of cobbles being hit lads,MAKE SURE YOU ARE UP FOR IT,FOR YOU AND THE FUTURE GENERATIONS.
Absoluty scandelous giving all our shipyard jobs to another country but Cameron Glegg and Osborne who are all millionaires through family connections dont give a rats ar5e about the British worker, i think these
twat5 are really third world anarchists who are determined to send Great Britain back to the dark ages
Thats Been Tory Policy For Years Mate,The Working Class Reduced To A Bunch Of Unskilled Forelock Tugging Serfs, Uneducated And With No Prospects At All. Every Country In The World Protects Its Own Manufacturing/Engineering Base Not Britain, Why Not? Cause The Tories And There Big Business Intrests Couldnt Give A Rats Ass About The Working Class, All They Are Interested In Is The Banking Sector In The City Of London.
Labour are even worse. The so-called party of the working class have completely turned their backs on the british worker in favour of getting better deals for migrant workers.
When Poland and the baltic states joined the EU, Germany and France vetoed bringing in migrants from these countries, but Gordon Brown opened the floodgates with open arms.
NEW LABOUR, caring for ethnic minorities......
ps And no, I am not a tory.
When the Political Landscape changed during Thatcherism, a program of stagnation and the slow lingering death of our Manufacturing Base was a calculated Policy that mow in hind sight amounted to Treachery and down right irresponsibility---Manufacturing Exports gave way to Intellectual Know how and Expertise and Consultation as the main thrust of Export. The inverted snobbery and miss guided view that the UK could survive by Exporting Consultancies and Expert advise never took into consideration that the Third World Countries are over flowing with Post Graduates ect ect. No Country can survive without a Manufacturing Base, Cameron knows this fact, however, how to reverse this ???.

As for the French---EDF have the Blue Print for the already tried and tested New Generation Plants---the Contracts are already signed and sealed and, it appears, so does the fate of the British Worker...
Garry i have to agree,the only glimmer,is to build our own power stations,ships,trains ect. to par excellence,like we used to,and become leaders through qaulity of build and engineering know how,but that will never happen while our leadership is blind to what actually builds a thriving and succsessfull economy,and keeps giving major contracts to everyone but our own:mad::mad:
The bare faced cheek of the cants,only the other week they were up in arms when india decided to buy fighters off the french.
Why the feck should the rest of the world,old empire or not buy british when our own government wont.
Yes the tories destroyed manufacturing,yes the labour party sold out its own workiers party politics.
So what now whats the answer--your veiws appreciated
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