Solar Panel Work


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2010
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Nottingham..but work in Sheffield
Well...Talk about "Make Hay While The Sun Shines"

Now the Goverment in their infinite wisdom have reduced the F.I.T. (Feed in Tarriff) Subsidy on Solar Panels with a cut off date of 12th December its a fooking frenzy of activity trying to get them in place prior to the cut off...

We are absolutley pulled out with work!! Although come the 12th I predict Tumble Weeds blowing across the

Just wondering how everyone else is fairing??
Not enough hours or days in a week,the volume of these jobs is unbelieveable:amazed:im already turning down large amounts of them because we cant cope,several thousand in one area alone,and im being asked to go all over the country:eek:and these are literally thousands at a time,and way beyond the december cut off date,even ones i priced a touch heavy have come back:D
we have now slowed down with this to shame cause it was a good little number something else the govment f--ked up.
We`re doing all right. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Current orders still strong, but speaking to installers that it is going to filter out, they are getting the solar panels cheaper, a typical 4kw instalation is costing around £9,5000.
we have just been put on 7 days doin just work for solar panels were doin 7 days till the cut off day think it gonna involve workin away aswell! our boss also got another meeting wit another firm 2day as they got about 45 for us to do before december.
Still think it will be steady after shut off day but not this mad frenzy.
Hi just wondering do the solar panel agent require safety rails on the roofs
sorry just wondering do you come off the floor or do you sadle the handrail off the roofs
I no the cut off for grants is next month ,but if you fancy working in bandit country (Wales)they have still got 12mths of funding,I no a few lads there and they are completely snowed under,it shouldn't be too hard to get the contacts for the solar firms who are working in Wales as after Christmas it will probably be all of them.
Witch way do u do your handrails do u run them up the roof with the pitch or do u step them up and in
when you handraill the roof on a terrace do you saddle it , i had to handraill one for a new roof once and there was hell on trying to get the neighbours to let us use ther roof

Allan, we have not long finished about 60 odd scaffolds for roofing repairs for the local housing association which went reasonably well when we did all four sides off a block of 2 or more but a total nightmare when we were to do 3 sides of just one house. We did run the hand rail up the pitch but if you so much as scraped a tile you were in for a whole new world of hurt.
Has anyone had a problem when it comes to take the handrail down when stripping the job. Some A-hole has put some solar panels right in the way and so tight to the edges that it is near on immpossible to get up the roof.
Havnt come across stripping one yet with handrails must be dodgy if the roof is wet specialy when the pannels are on and if the roof tiles are slate and mossy
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