so what's the most hilarious thing that ever happened to a scaffolder?

Did a job in our local high street a few years back, seven lifts high complete with monoflex including a canopy over the top with the monoflex.
It had been raining all night and the canopy roof was filled with big puddles of water. So we decided to empty the puddles by pushing them up from the inside.
Now picture this as the rain had stopped it was quite a nice day so up it goes a few gallons of water straight down onto a chap walking pass the scaffold.
He was drenched and the force of the water knocked his glasses off and they fell to pieces on the pavement, he's now jumping up and down bawling his head off and shaking his fist.
Problem was he was our local councillor at the time and the firm had to pay for his glasses.

A few days later on the same job one of the lads decided to let off a firework from the scaffold only problem was it was a rocket and it went the wrong way,
it went up the high street like a scud missile about 20 foot above every ones head, man people where ducking and diving running into shops with all hell let loose. He got the sack.
That's hilarious. Why anyone would want to let a firework off from a scaffold I have no idea. Are scaffers known for doing crazy things? The equivalent of the goalies of the world of construction? (goalies being known for being a bit crazy)
Heard one years ago from a mate of mine: There was a new labourer working with the firm and he was on the ground punting 21's up to the scaffs on the job. One of the scaffs on the second or third lift challenged him to lift the 21 up above his head and look through it, telescope style. The labourer, keen to prove his strength and manliness duly obliged only for the scaff to p**s down through the tube giving the eejit a warm urinirary drenching of the eyeball. lol, don't know if its true but I hope it is. Pissing myself laughing writing this to be honest. Besides, you couldn't make that s**t up.
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Heard one years ago from a mate of mine: There was a new labourer working with the firm and he was on the ground punting 21's up to the scaffs on the job. One of the scaffs on the second or third lift challenged him to lift the 21 up above his head and look through it, telescope style. The labourer, keen to prove his strength and manliness duly obliged only for the scaff to p**s down through the tube giving the eejit a warm urinirary drenching of the eyeball. lol, don't know if its true but I hope it is. Pissing myself laughing writing this to be honest. Besides, you couldn't make that s**t up.
that one sounds apocryphal, tbh. (look it up!) But it's another great story, thanks.
Granted it may sound dubious but then you've never worked with scaffolders.
When first doing a bit of scaffolding was to cover for a scaff off while iwas off college for easter, was put with my two bros for this firm and my eldest bro thourght it would be funny to try this up when i clicked on up went the tube another 2/3inch and down whent the big bro on the scaffold got to get up early to beat me marra lol even when i was green lol so njw it has been known , another for the firm i recently left around 10 years ago there was some real idiots the eldest bro bene 1 they had a habbit of crushing up e's and putting them in others bait. Feking madness
No work got done then ,they couldn't stop dancing
that one sounds apocryphal, tbh. (look it up!) But it's another great story, thanks.

"Golden Rain" as its better known was kinda common 'back in the day'. Get your dogsh!t to lift a 21 up above his head then p!ss down it onto him. The smart ones would get the scaff back by jabbing the 21 up sharply, catching the guys nuts on the tube.
heard about a supavisor how knocked the lads on there squareage once they tied him up and lifted him 20ft up on arope and wheel and left him there he was know as bundgy ever after
Based out a run of H frames with sciscor braces,jumped up to run in the next row. Would straddle the top rail and throw the board to top of next frame. Lab thought he could do the same,so jumps up,straddles toprail and throws the board over. The board missed the next rail and back of the board catapulted him straight up. Somehow came down to the side on both feet. The look on his face as he was going thru the air,still makes me grin years later.
thanks again to everyone who contributed a tale to tell. Just one question, what's "a run of H frames with sciscor braces"?

I need to do some more homework... :(
Based out a run of H frames with sciscor braces,jumped up to run in the next row. Would straddle the top rail and throw the board to top of next frame. Lab thought he could do the same,so jumps up,straddles toprail and throws the board over. The board missed the next rail and back of the board catapulted him straight up. Somehow came down to the side on both feet. The look on his face as he was going thru the air,still makes me grin years later.
Classic Fred ,
reminded me of years ago we where loading a trailer with 21s and we had a young lad with us , usual suspect thinks he knows everything , we had to walk the 21s up right to the trailer then put them on it.
I said are you ok with putting them on the trailer as its bout 4 foot high ,
" cause iam mate what do think iam a spastic " was his reply
so he is standing at the trailer 21 stood up right and he just lets it go , but he had a leg either side of the 21 :eek: the 21 lifted him by his nuts 4 foot into the air the poor little fooker spent the rest of the day in hospital as he had twisted his nuts around them selves and had to have them untwisted i have never seen that lad to this day :laugh::laugh::laugh:
McAlpines used to use them for form work support in the early 80s , i remember them being used at Victoria Plaza
THE VODKA EXPRESS as the train from Aberdeen to Glasgow was known and a good few stories from Old school Glasgow Scaffs.i was told this at christmas on the annual scaffolders ball.
4 old team glasgow scaffs have managed to catch the train and got a table for the large beer and vodka cargo,sitting opposite is a mother(all dolled up)and her young son around 6 years of age.The bears are enjoying themselves and the drink is flowing.happy days after grafting (yes there was actually graft done offshore)hard for the 3 weeks and looking forward to the week off.
the mother is a wee bit snobby and the child running riot up and down the train,being a wee pest.He runs past the scaffs and knocks over the plastic glass of vodka of a certain scaff,who is not amused.The Scaff has a word with the mother saying hes running riot and now hes spilling our drink get a grip of him.She responds "boys will be boys".
time goes by and the drinking is in full flow and the wee man is still runniong up and down the train.Then the scaff who spoke to the mammy feels something on his face a the boy runs past,he now has a red score from a colouring in pen across his cheek.the othe rscaffs are pissing themselves.Jimmy we will call him is livid the woosh a blue mark as the wee barra runs by again.
jimmy lets him run up and down and then calls him over he aks the boy "if he likes magic tricks"the boy says yes so jimmy says "give me your pens"he bunches them together in one hand then grabs the boys face and draws all over it and then says"disappear ya wee pest"
the polis were waiting at the next stop jimmy was escorted off by the officer who burst out laughing when the train departed and told jimmy "get the next train and no more colouring in";)
fecking class
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