

Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
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Have been stood down today(aprox 6 a.m.). Recieved a txt saying our contracts manager has stood everybody down due to adverse weather. Haven't even left the house nevermind got to site. The txt also stated we would be paid 5hrs @ our rate. I work for a local company in the north east (various different sites) I was lead to believe i was contracted to 39hrs, so the QUESTION is, Is it correct to only pay us 5hrs..?? I'm not being greedy as i deffos would have made it to where i was supposed to be today and am gutted at losing soo much money, (3hrs + bonus for 8hrs). Like i said, I am contracted to 39hrs..
i dont think there is a right or wrong bud , if i were you i would take the 5 hrs and be happy , some companies work on the basis no work no pay .

wether you made it to work today or not , health an safety says you not gonna get much done, you could break a leg or summit and miss 2 months work
yeah, i'll deffos take the 5hrs, just the contract states they have to provide me with 39hrs per week, I WON'T BE ROCKIN THE BOAT, as I was out of work around this time last year and there are no guarantees for this year. Head down ass up as they say... thanx mate..
your company needs to pay you 39 hours if thats what your contracted to. Its just one of those things adverse weather.
there will probably something in small print somewhere regarding adverse weather and certain situations, id rather be stood down and get 5 hrs than laid off gettin fcuk all
There is two ways to look at that. You cant just let companies walk over the top off you. If you are due 39 hours 39 hours is what you should get. Next time it could be 3 hours they give you and so on.
jai there will be something in his contract or something somewhere which relates to adverse things regarding hours and wages etc etc do you think if this weather last for 10 days as reports suggest , that any company will just pay all there employees 39hrs to stay at home dont be daft no company would there will be something in place for such scenarios
yas there is companies that do it. Im at home now getting paid. If i didnt get paid i wouldnt be at that company much longer. I will also keep getting paid until the weather gets better. In my experience companies only get away with what you let them. Stand up for what you are legally entitled to.
you must work for a big national company bud or you will be laid off if weather continues .

Quote " In my experience companies only get away with what you let them. Stand up for what you are legally entitled to"

in my experience companies can only pay what they can afford :D
No what they let you think they can afford. End of day if you are contracted to 39 hours and your company cant supply you work for whatever reason they should pay you.
James Redcar
I think your employer has been fair both in paying you at your rate and infoming you in good time so you did not leave home.

You may have been able to get to your place of work but wether you could have worked safely is another question.Standing down some men and allowing others to work creates a lot of problems for management

I am assuming you are on about £14 an hour so that brings you £90 for today.If you are only on £10 you will have £50 about what a jobseeker gets for a week.

You are living in the real world when you say you are not rocking the boat and I agree fully with your outlook the winters hardly begun and there will be a lot of lads looking for work at any price in the coming months


I do not know where you work or where you have been the last two years but to be paid at full rate for 39 hours for no production is not commercially possible.

With your stance I think you could be the first laid off permanantly when there is inclement weather or a temp downturn in work

If James was paid £14 per hour @ 5 hours a day for a week he would gross £350
The National Minninum wage of £5.93 per hour times 39 hours would Gross him £231.27

There are times to beat the drum and fight for "rights", there are also times when keeping your head down and getting on with it is the prudent course If you do not know what times we are living in, God bless you


There are different levels of NMW, depending on your age and whether you are an apprentice. The current rates are:
  • £5.93 - the main rate for workers aged 21 and over
  • £4.92 - the 18-20 rate
  • £3.64 - the 16-17 rate for workers above school leaving age but under 18
  • £2.50 - the apprentice rate, for apprentices under 19 or 19 or over and in the first year of their apprenticeship
The age at which you become entitled to the main rate was reduced from 22 to 21 on 1 October 2010. The apprentice rate was introduced on the same date.
If you are of compulsory school age you are not entitled to the NMW. Some of your other employment rights are also different

---------- Post added at 02:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 PM ----------
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LMAO... I'm not a youngster (41yrs) and I actually don't expect money for nothing, or anything on a plate, my query was simply regarding my contract, which some people may or may not have had in the "olden days". I was just wondering about the facts, regarding your contract of employment. All said and done, I will not be winging to my supervisor about what pay i get, there are a lot of lads "on notice" and at the end of the day, I would sooner be out there grafting, rain or shine..(or snow) than sat on my ass on 5hrs pay..
ooh are the handbags coming out . pay me 5 hours a day for sitting on my arse and i ll never go to work again . i keep getting told to stop off without pay regardless of the weather . but then again there are slugs with more back bone than my boss
i work in gmouth refinery. i also wouldnt be first laid of or paid off permanantley, there is a union where i work you have rights. i shall say again if you are contracted to 39 hours you should ge paid the 39 hours if your employer cannot find you work. the companies are the ones that write up the contracts so the should stick to them.

---------- Post added at 07:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 PM ----------

previous statement was for rigger
possibly diffrent enviroment and financial circumstances jai,maybe on the blue book sites where these eventualities are taken into consideration beforehand mate,company can offset that loss.think the smaller street firms do well to pay 5hours for inclement wether mate.hows grangemouth you got the snow bad???
yes it was quite bad mate. think the full country has it bad. well most of it:)
If he kicks up a fuss he'll just end up in the fitting shed all day for 8 hours!

I know what option I'd rather take...
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