Sick of getting robbed

Guys I dunno about all of you. But I'm sick of getting shafted by all these courses.... I cant think of another trade as badly paid as us that has to dish out for all these courses.... e.g... brickys become time served... that's them sorted the rest of their days... its horseshit... about time we all did something about this.... scaffolders are a dying trade. **** I got paid off from a 15 year project I was working on because I refused to do site labouring aswel as scaffolding. Baring in mind i was on the job 1.5 years.... then another scaff I know agreed to labour so he got took on and me bumped.... with a new baby to feed.... what the **** has happened to this game

A 15 year project? Even Capes job in Algeria didnt last that long
So you would do a said labourer out of a job???
Or look at it this way helping labour and do your back in lifting something you should not be lifting? Pretty sure my insurance wouldnt cover me here.... or perhaps you would prefer taking orders from the site labourer. Who necks teaspoons of speed at break times? You dont think I've worked for a living... I could count my days off in 15 years on fingers and toes. I've a family to provide for.
Ofcourse your the manager.... with an attitude like yours no wonder this game has turned to ****... yes boss.... I'll suck your baws as long as I get to keep my job.... by the way I saw that scaffolder smoking on site so can you pay him off instead of me 😱.... dont you just love the scaffolding game....

I wouldnt employ you. I can count my days off in 35 years on one hand. You sound like a sick note and malingerer.
So you would do a said labourer out of a job???
Or look at it this way helping labour and do your back in lifting something you should not be lifting? Pretty sure my insurance wouldnt cover me here.... or perhaps you would prefer taking orders from the site labourer. Who necks teaspoons of speed at break times? You dont think I've worked for a living... I could count my days off in 15 years on fingers and toes. I've a family to provide for.
Ofcourse your the manager.... with an attitude like yours no wonder this game has turned to ****... yes boss.... I'll suck your baws as long as I get to keep my job.... by the way I saw that scaffolder smoking on site so can you pay him off instead of me 😱.... dont you just love the scaffolding game....

Listen I've been in the game near 25yrs been advanced for 13yrs, but if I have to labour for my wages so be it,it's lads who think I'm not labouring I'm a scaff etc who are also giving the game a bad name,it's all scaffolding at the end of the day so what does it matter,it's bad enough now that labourers don't want to labour after 6months because they get a tool belt and pt1 and think that there now 2nd fixers,this games fecked lads with pt2s after a couple of year's and ain't got a clue,so it's better to have a more experienced scaff or yourself labouring or getting the gear because at least it's gonna be right and ready as you need it, especially if you've got a young baby to feed that should have been your priority and not your I'm to good to labour pride, at least back in the day when you had to run gear up 8 or 9m ladders all day catch gear from 30ft and get screamed at if you wasn't any good,(fittings thrown at you if you answered back) made proper scaffs out of you ,not like now tool belt after a month pt1 after 6 and think there scaffs after 3
Guys I dunno about all of you. But I'm sick of getting shafted by all these courses.... I cant think of another trade as badly paid as us that has to dish out for all these courses.... e.g... brickys become time served... that's them sorted the rest of their days... its horseshit... about time we all did something about this.... scaffolders are a dying trade. **** I got paid off from a 15 year project I was working on because I refused to do site labouring aswel as scaffolding. Baring in mind i was on the job 1.5 years.... then another scaff I know agreed to labour so he got took on and me bumped.... with a new baby to feed.... what the **** has happened to this game

u sound like a proper Scottish melt.
The Algerian job must be finished now even with a break for the Arab Spring
sick of getting robbed

Just having a discussion.... obviously we disagree... you keep saying yes sir and f****** this game more than it already is. People like you...... I dont know. Too many of you, dont forget your wellies when your jumping down that hole with your shovel super scaff lol
Stop ******* moaning your only ******* labourers anyway, every site I go on all the scaffolders have an attitude problem and a chip, call it a day you useless prats
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