I have been on price work most of my life. From hours on the job to squares & now metre run.
All the firms I have worked for if you cut corners you would be docked.
Even down to folding the monoflex when stripping!!
You can put up an A1 scaffold on price but I agree your body takes a toll.
Money in scaffolding at the moment is very poor as a whole, it will take time to get back. Improving the quality of Scaffolders & making sure the training is set up in a more proactive way will help.
Part 1 after 1 year with on site assessment & class room test
Part 2 after 2 years with on site assessment & class room test
Advanced after min 5 years with on site assessment & class room test.
There needs to be more assessments through the companies so the trainees can be seen to undertake the tasks at each stage.
Can anyone quote pass rates for CISRS. How many people fail!!
We are always saying GCSE tests in school are getting easier but people still fail!!!