Try using a boro post code
same here a few boro lads i know are up ther for salamis and it sounds like a great job, heard a rumour that they are promising them work on the Falklands after that job anyone heard the same?
Anyone got the number for the Falklands job?
When does the falkland job start,wots the rates, glocky you on they now r they paying the lodge.
I heard a rumor that you need to ring 118 212 and ask for it mate.
Brilliant idea. Can you call them for me?
When does the falkland job start,wots the rates, glocky you on they now r they paying the lodge.
No sorry mate but iam sure a part 1 with 20 years experience and a ecitb grade 6 card may call them for you.
That would be me then. Still waiting for my card george