Self employed help

Hi Bez,

Everyone has offered great advice. All I was going to say is that if you need any advice (even though you have an accountant in the family) we're happy to help you through the registering process.

If you don't get a UTR number, your "employer" will charge you 30% tax.

As a self employed CIS worker you pay 20% tax on all your earnings. make sure you get a payslip showing this. It is also correct that you will probably buy your own equipment and workwear, pay travel to different sites etc.

At the end of the tax year (5th April) you can do your tax return (or again, we can help!), and claim back overpaid tax (as there will be some) and offset all your expenses meaning you should get a good tax refund.
No probs jigger there are thousands out there that do it the same way as you but ive known several people who av been had for a few large...trouble is not only can u not argur wiv em but cant negotiate wiv em either.fact is fact m8 many guys who are working under the guize of self employment arnt technically self employed..there are a few grey areas and scams still goin bit eventually hmrc wants everyone paye .
I'm only working part time for this person, maybe 3 times a week, he said he can pay my tax for me because its part time and I just have to pay my NI.

is this correct?
Be very careful what you claim for. Been a self employed joiner for years and done all my own tax returns. Claiming for clothes and what nots. Basically everything the lads I worked with told me what I could claim for ad it caught up with me 3 years down the line. Had to pay all my tax rebates back. So first year self employed, I recommend getting an accountant to sort your return. Generally pay £50-£150 depends who u get. But it'll stop you storming off up **** creek.

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

I'm only working part time for this person, maybe 3 times a week, he said he can pay my tax for me because its part time and I just have to pay my NI.

is this correct?

Generally. Self employed "subcontracting" basically u get your wages with your 20% tax already taken out. Same as if ur PAYE. But u have to pay your own NI.
Thanks Veno good reply.

Is it easy to set the ni payments? thanks.
Hi Bez,

Everyone has offered great advice. All I was going to say is that if you need any advice (even though you have an accountant in the family) we're happy to help you through the registering process.

If you don't get a UTR number, your "employer" will charge you 30% tax.

As a self employed CIS worker you pay 20% tax on all your earnings. make sure you get a payslip showing this. It is also correct that you will probably buy your own equipment and workwear, pay travel to different sites etc.

At the end of the tax year (5th April) you can do your tax return (or again, we can help!), and claim back overpaid tax (as there will be some) and offset all your expenses meaning you should get a good tax refund.

This is the first time I've looked at this thread since yesterday and I knew, JUST KNEW you'd be sniffing around in here you fuc.king leech.

You gonna try and con him out of 33% of his tax return again? You'll be busy posting on here regularly this month eh?
Everal years ago the tax office changed the status reguarding being self employed. What u think of and what the tax office think of as self employed are 2 completley differnt things...there are several criteria you have to have before they will consider u as officially self employed...& although gaining a utr number & informng the NI office of your self employed status. You will find that eventually that if you dont meet their criteria than the financial loss to yourself & your employer can be considerable . A good account acting for you will advise you but tbh if can all end in tears.
You need to be registerd with both NI & tax office
You must have personal public liability.
Each job you do must be on a finaincial risk basis
You must not be earning a guaranteed hourly or date rate
All work must be invoiced.
You must surply your own tools & equipment.

Now several people on here will disagree with the above & say i dont do that...but beleave me when i say its the law & the taxman has up to seven years to catch up with you, & now with tax & ni sharing the same offices & with the introduction of real time information for paye - its not a case of if the catch up with you but when.
The finacial differnce of ni contributions will be clawed back which is 9%of your earnngs capped @ £68 per week from you. & 10% uncaped from ur employers contribution. As well as the diffence in tax on top of that can see what i mean about if you get it wrong its gonna cost. Also your tax return has to be submitted on time or again you will face fees.
Hope this helps.
Tbh i'd thnk about it as now there arnt as many benifits to being self employed anymore as the self employed are intitled to the same holiday pay & benifits as paye as well as the issue of ppe so the only one who really benifits is your employer as he'll pay no NI contributions which will save him thousands.

Spot on SP,you forgot to mention that they will hit you with penalty's as well for up to six years worth of trading,this can an does amount to life changing amounts in many cases,the best way to protect yourself is to employ a chatered accountant and buy a ltd company from day one.........SP,you sound like a man who has personal experience of the wrong side of the taxman lol,welcome to the club haha

It does sound like this "employer" is looking to pay you CIS or even PAYE, if he says he'll pay your tax for you. Under CIS, you do pay your own NI. If he's paying you PAYE, depending on how much he's paying, and current thresholds, he should sort your NI.

For clarity, feel free to call.

Also, please ignore VLLB - we do. He never gets his facts right, even about his own circumstances (as was proven pretty clearly some time back when he tried taking us to task) and I am surprised he is still trying to discredit us. I am actually here all year round to help. Anyway, enough of that... <yawn> :noworry:

Our fees are not 33% and haven't been for 2 years. We have reduced our fees and we constantly look to get the fee structure as fair and transparent as possible.
You tried to call me out and made yourselves look like cu.nts when you were wrong :laugh:

As for your fees, well if you've reduced them then fair enough that's a start.
I think you'll find it wasn't us caught with our pants on fire... but anyway, let's not go there again. Everyone is very aware of your strange agenda and I think it best we stay away from each other as I am very sure your fellow scaffs can think for themselves and make their own minds up without you holding their hands.

Someone has asked a valid question and we have answered as best we can - no enforcement to be a client, you may notice.

(apologies to all reading this - petty squabbles and all that)
No, YOU added extra bits in to my thread without me giving the full information in my original post if I remember correctly and yes YOU did look like a cu.nt afterwards. I have just had a look for the thread but I'm sure you went crying to SF Admin and had it deleted. What are your extortionate rates nowadays?

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ----------

Now I see what you did, You said I ''made an imaginary fee'' up that I paid my accountant.

Thread is here

and here are the accountants that don't rip people off who don't know any better, unlike you Hanger Lane Accounting Ltd. | Hanger Lane Accounting Ltd. London
You are ruining a perfectly good thread with your own ridiculous agenda.

Members on here know our history and will understand me not entering into a "conversation" with you, and certainly not about our service that you have tried time and again to discredit.

New members will read into this response what they will, but I'm just not doing this with you again.

oh I see you did a bit of a search. Good for you! Hmmm interesting reading on that website - errr good luck!
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Spot on SP,you forgot to mention that they will hit you with penalty's as well for up to six years worth of trading,this can an does amount to life changing amounts in many cases,the best way to protect yourself is to employ a chatered accountant and buy a ltd company from day one.........SP,you sound like a man who has personal experience of the wrong side of the taxman lol,welcome to the club haha

Took the words from my mouth BF, I have always feared for the cis boys and can only see trouble ahead for these umbrella companies.
No not me personally but know a cpl who have...but its allways good to know ur stuff its wot sorts the men out from the boys & the cowboys from the indians...had loads of pow wows with hmrc bout this to make sure nothings gonna come back & bite me in the bum
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