School leaver wage


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2011
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What's a fair pay rate for school leaver working as "another pair of hands"?
Bit high that leavers cause u as a firm endless headaces.most are unfit,unreliable,argumentitive & reckon they're doin you a favour...
The additional insurance and doctumentation required for a under 18 year old to be on site or even working in the yard is sometimes not worth the hassle.
Often with school leavers the realism of entering the real world of work & pay is not worth the graft & so they dont last long....but long enough for you to have wasted money on ppe etc on em.
So tbh the min wage of £3.68 is all theyll worth untill theyve proven thereselves
£40 a day max , if they prove them selves after a couple of months then up their money by £5 a day and review again in another 6 months .

like SP says they can be a right pain in the backside and you can get a decent laborer for £80 a day who knows what he is doing and turns up every day.
I wasnt relly a school leaver when i started, but i was 17 (kids gotta stay in scholl till 18 now, aint they??)

I was paid £60 a day, which went upto £80 after about 6 months, when id grafted my balls off.
This was in 1997 too.

All the keeness in the world aint ever gonna beat cold hard cash.
Pay low wages = expect poor effort and attitude.

People need a carrot.
Need incentive to graft.

Just coz they are out of school dont mean they are naive.

Least imho anyway.
I have had the misfortune to employ a few school leavers , and it wont be happening any time again in the near future.
You can employ a 35 year old man who is as useless and lazy as a sack of spuds and employ a 19 year old who'll bust his balls for you.

Age = Nothing... you can be keen, hardworking and reliable at ANY age.

Theres an old saying: "you dont know till you give it a go"
I agree with what ur saying & perhaps you were an exception to the norm...97 was a good trading time as well.people had money in their pocket to spend and most people had a good work ethic.- unfortunately now adays that work ethic is far and few between, money is tight & lets face it most kids would rather stay on to further education or pic up money from the state.
I believe you need an incentive to graft but dont think wasting money on inexperianced labour is the way to promote it.
Rather sort the chaff from the corn & let them know whats expected of em from he start & how to increase the money with experiance,time served & further qualifications.
The last school leaver i took on is now after 9 years going through his advanced.
Having payed for all his tckts,hgv2 & forklift - he started with 3 others all on min wage.1 couldnt cut it & left b4 a month was up, & the other got his basic2 & left (still a basic2 several years later).
Paying more @ the start woulnt have made anydifference to them- but to me as a company we'd av been outa pocket thousands
Why would i want to pay a school lever £60 a day and have all the grief that goes with it.
Aint about age its about what a man can do , and for £20 a day more i can get a man that dont need to be baby sat all day
Spot on phil....but we need to help these kids come into the game or in a few years time there wont be any spanners turning(or IWs lol)
One thing is happening more now thanks to the government grants& thats we can get these kids through their tckts realitivly cheep....but the timing is shiite & so is the age limit
Thats your opinion Phil.
But i cant see how you think the older someone is, the better they are = more they are worth.

If this was the case then EVERYONE aged 40 and over would be employed.

To be fair, i cant blame kids nowadays...
What is so appealing about becoming a Scaffolder today?

Money = crap... kids earn as much in Tesco.
Damage to body = severe...might as well be a crash test dummy.
Risk of of injury or death = high... more dangerous then a soldier.
Job security = very poor... most Scaffolders live from week to week.

I know for a FACT id rather my Son be unemployed then be a Scaffolder.
The game is ruined and NOTHING like how it was or should be.

Im lucky now. I work for a good Firm, in a good job, with security and excellent money.
Its took me 15 bone crunching years to get here.

Im one 1 in about 1000 to the chance i was given.
Not a very attractive prospect for potential new starts.
difficult one what to paye cash has got to be a £50 in the hand for a days work!!!! street work there probably earn it wheres some sight jobs there ave it easy!! i used to get few lads years ago on the industrial side keen as mustard to start with and good money after a month they were getting lazy and not comeing in and make you look stupid after you get them a start havent bothered getting anybody a start for years cos most turn into wan!ers glad theres a few that wana learn and wana graft

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 PM ----------

Thats your opinion Phil.
But i cant see how you think the older someone is, the better they are = more they are worth.

If this was the case then EVERYONE aged 40 and over would be employed.

To be fair, i cant blame kids nowadays...
What is so appealing about becoming a Scaffolder today?

Money = crap... kids earn as much in Tesco.
Damage to body = severe...might as well be a crash test dummy.
Risk of of injury or death = high... more dangerous then a soldier.
Job security = very poor... most Scaffolders live from week to week.

I know for a FACT id rather my Son be unemployed then be a Scaffolder.
The game is ruined and NOTHING like how it was or should be.

Im lucky now. I work for a good Firm, in a good job, with security and excellent money.
Its took me 15 bone crunching years to get here.

Im one 1 in about 1000 to the chance i was given.
Not a very attractive prospect for potential new starts.

you sure thats capes your working for jason just i see you say:wondering: good money and security and excellent money
best of luck with the new venture sent u pm mate
£35 a day is a fair rate in my opinion until they prove their any good.
£35 now I no why theres pound land for the poor school leavers got £25 on the yts scheme 30yrs ago lmfao!!!!
well said Jason hav got the same thing going to happen to my lad next yr he wants to go into scaffolding but a lot of employers wil want to pay him peanuts he is a good little grafter as I get him out at weekends wen I get sum cash work don't wont him to be sickened at low wages
Ok... lets see how many "Scaffolders" i can upset here.
(PERFECT scenario, lol)

Scaffolder: "hey kid, wanna come work with me?, i could use a hand"
Kid: "ok bruv, no worries... erm, how much you paying?"

Scaffolder: "£50 a day in the hand, but within 'a month', ill get you trained up and ill put your money up, if you graft"
Kid: "ok, sounds fair, you got any tools?"

Scaffolder: "No, sorry... you gotta get your own, but it'll help you earn more if you have your own tools"
Kid: " Sweet bruv, ill get it sorted"

~ Kid procedes to spend £100 down Romford Market on Belt, Spanners, Boots, ect.
~ Starts work bright and early Monday morning.

Scaffolder: "Right kid, when i was a youngun' this is how we used to graft"

~ Scaffolder then completely lies about how much of a 'grafter' he was, when in reality his Dad or Dad's mate got them a job and REALLY looked after them.

After a week of killing the Kid, Scaffolder pays the wage.
SHOCK HORROR: £100 short.

Scaffolder: "Sorry Kid, thats all i was paid, f@#king Supervisor knocked me!!" (in reality, he got paid extra).
Kid: "Aww! Thats proper out of order bruv!, we'll grt it back next week, yeah?"

~ 2 more weeks of graft. 2 more weeks of Kid getting his money knocked, all the while getting the arse ripped out of him. Worked to the bone.

Scaffolder: "Sorry Kid, the gaffer has run out of work, i gotta let you go"
Kid: "Come on bruv!?, stuff this Scaffolding lark, its no good!!"

~ Scaffolder then gets his mate to work with him, whom has a massive drink problem, who gets dropped off at the local pub each night and blows out Monday's, but he's a right "good crack"...

~ Scaffolder stays on Firm. Moves onto another site on day-rate and procedes to toss it off.

The end.

And id bet SERIOUS money that this is the outcome of 90% of most of what happens to new upcoming Kids in our game.
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