To all members of the SCCR.
I wish to apologise for the time it is taking to get the SCCR web site up & running. As you all know the SCCR committee gives its time free of charge & on a part time basis. I hope to have the site looking better & working to a better standard within the next couple of weeks.
Sponsor deals are being sort & the shop with discounts for members will be open soon.
We need your help, I am after some good photos of scaffolds that have been done by members to put on the site to make it look a bit more professional.
Regards Stewart
I wish to apologise for the time it is taking to get the SCCR web site up & running. As you all know the SCCR committee gives its time free of charge & on a part time basis. I hope to have the site looking better & working to a better standard within the next couple of weeks.
Sponsor deals are being sort & the shop with discounts for members will be open soon.
We need your help, I am after some good photos of scaffolds that have been done by members to put on the site to make it look a bit more professional.
Regards Stewart