that the ting i havent paid the 10er got to that stage and my card has been bbloked by paypal for some one trying to use me payapl in usa cso just closed the page but not wont let me get back to that nor will it let me reacativate my username and pasword
what i have done is i have clicked on forgot user name and type an email address in .. it then has sent me my user name to the said email address so i type my user name in on the sccr and click forgot password it then ask for my email address so i type it in and then it says Your password reset request failed because a User with the specified username and e-mail address could not be found
the scr sned me my user name to the email adress which i have used and now its saying there is no match but there is a match becaus ei got the user name off the sccr to this email adress arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh