I do not have loads of scaffs out and have never suggested thats the case, we employ over 600 people and the scaffs make up a very small percentage of that as we have only just started doing it this year....but make no mistake we are the fastest growing agency employer in the North West and the Trades Division is growing steadily. We have only around 25 scaffs out today, next week it will be 40+...only 5 of which were employed off here....more importantly we have 5 new contracts to supply..all given to us as a result of RUBBISH agencies who cant recruit qualified men and will send any man with a card whether he good or not!
---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------
SouthernPoofter - Your right...the credance of my agency is based 100% on the quality of men we recruit, and I have worked very hard to ensure that my men are safety concious, punctual, organised and professional....I am very proud of my guys doing such great work and they get the money they asked for all day every day...not all clients will increase rates of pay but you are right....agencies can charge less and pay more...thats what I am doing where possible...my charges are very low and all clients I have agree that the mark up i have is very very reasonable...I NEVER touch the hourly rate and my men are always on at least the same as full time men, occasionally more if its possible.
your response is the most intelligent and realistic I have seen and I have absolute resopect for your comments..I just wish all people were realistic about how the employment world is right now.