scaffolding supervisor course

So red you say the course was rubbish ? How did you find the risk and method statement side of the course ? As for the estimator side yes they are done on PC now however you need to know the basics of manpower over cost before you put it into the system and most quotes are done manual as many systems don't understand boarding out first lift and then the movement of boards and hop ups. I learnt a lot when I did my course and even more when I started working in the office and seeing the money side of things the course is not really for a site supervisor at the end of the day the supervisor on site is only a point of contact / foreman

The R & M's were poor to say the least .
I don't understand what you mean when you say "the course is not really for a site supervisor" it is a scaffolding supervisor course (allegedly) ,who is it for then ? The course outline didn't state we had to wear a cheap suit drive a mondeo and smell of joop .
Apart from the estimating part ( 90 minutes ish ) the whole course didn't provide me with a single piece of information / knowledge I didn't already know.
" at the end of the day the supervisor on site is only a point of contact"......
That this week I spent most of the time doing onsite specific R&M's ,design requests, design amendments and so on a point of contact to whom ?
The client , boss,yes SHEQ manager ,yes , my engineer,yes, and let's not forget the men on the ground shall we as I had to break the bad news that they had to wait til Monday for their wage slips :(

So apart from that you know about the money side I don't really get what you mean
Regards RV
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