Scaffolding Stolen / Fraud in Luton

scaffolding supplies is using his logo as a avatar and he doesnt appere to be a sponser. I thought this wasnt allowed.
scaffolding supplies is using his logo as a avatar and he doesnt appere to be a sponser. I thought this wasnt allowed.
I'd say he's just looking for help to recover his gear, nothing wrong in that surely.
thats it have been sussed now , yeh got that in the kings road
i know a man that has a leopard skin mankini and he lives up your way Phillios il pass his number on
He can mate and he has a part 2 ticket - Darren (Davla) 07707865292 ask bout the man kini , lives in Peckham
scaffolding supplies is using his logo as a avatar and he doesnt appere to be a sponser. I thought this wasnt allowed.

Is this for real? Last time I heard anything so pathetic Suzy just grassed me up to the teacher for not closing my eyes during the Lords Prayer in primary 3.:sick:

Get a life.
bet you close your eyes now then
bet you close your eyes now then

hahaha every time scaffy. And yes Dandaps if you don't change your avatar forthwith I will squeal and squeal and squeal until I'm sick. Preferably to a larger version of Scaffy's.:love:
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