I dunno m8 tbh the oldschool way was always do more to earn more as well as aving a bit of pride in ur work & ability.
now dont get me wrong i dont know desp personally but an ex colleague of mine(an experianced over 20yrs experiance) has worked for him & he wouldnt work or stay wiv the guy if he felt he was havin the pisss taken outta him.
the trouble i find is when you get a premadonna come for a job wanting a big wage its much easier to trial him on a lower rate to which u can increase rather than start him on the higher rate only to find out the guys not worth it .
personnally if a bloke wanted a job for me on lets say £200 & was able to earn me in excess off 4 x that then fair play-thats just begging to be put on target. But on the opposite side if he wants to start @8 & finish turning his spanner @3ish with 30mins break for breakie & again for lunch, get a full days pay for 1/2 day ona saturday or a rainy day &never break into a sweat, or av to doanything more taxing then a 4th lift or stack ,then i'd say £125 is a fair wage...but hey thats just my opinion