Scaffolders required

catch 22 here southern poofter without even a cameo role some want film stars wages to me this man will pay more for the more you put in I would say the gang will be knocking out 2 rings
I dunno m8 tbh the oldschool way was always do more to earn more as well as aving a bit of pride in ur work & ability.
now dont get me wrong i dont know desp personally but an ex colleague of mine(an experianced over 20yrs experiance) has worked for him & he wouldnt work or stay wiv the guy if he felt he was havin the pisss taken outta him.
the trouble i find is when you get a premadonna come for a job wanting a big wage its much easier to trial him on a lower rate to which u can increase rather than start him on the higher rate only to find out the guys not worth it .
personnally if a bloke wanted a job for me on lets say £200 & was able to earn me in excess off 4 x that then fair play-thats just begging to be put on target. But on the opposite side if he wants to start @8 & finish turning his spanner @3ish with 30mins break for breakie & again for lunch, get a full days pay for 1/2 day ona saturday or a rainy day &never break into a sweat, or av to doanything more taxing then a 4th lift or stack ,then i'd say £125 is a fair wage...but hey thats just my opinion
Your so right too many scaffolders think they deserve bi g wages. Don't get me wrong some deserve it but most just talk a good job. I've come across loads at my place they either lick @ss or get carried along. 120 a day is a comfortable living. If people keep slating people on here they're guna stop advertising on here and some men may lose that info they need
Lol , been so busy on the tools myself today I've only just checked this , southernpoofters right you start them on average pay an if there good you put there money up ,
An for my too penny's worth in my eyes a part one is still a trainee , that's what his ticket says
don't let the criticism get to you desp you are offering decent rates and if the men blossom you earn they earn and must admit there are some boys out there with their jingle bell belts on more tools than a mechanic's workshop that think once a ticket is gained they are invincible and think they should be paid the same as old hands who can bang up 20ft in half hr site work with teleporters the right gang will make it work and should have 2 rings a day and come mid week statistics show all gangs will slow down during midweek but still should earn a fare price come Friday I often see men on sites that don't even manage a ring on a pair me an a dog banged up a four block on refurb in a day on a 10 hr shift kicker an 2 lifts money in boss happy an iam over 50 bud but not yet a fossil scc
Missed this , keep your chin up desp, good rates anyone can see that, thanks for posting them and that priks obviously missing his dads cok :blink:
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