listen bobby i can say or do as i like against agencies ok theyr ripping off good men,i dont see why your bothered with what i write its only a post on an internet forum. your sitting agreeing with bigdog about all this racist and secterian nonsense then talking to gerscaff and other scottish blokes on here as if nothings happended,not that im too fussed im just pointing it out. you wont get an apology as all i said was i will believe an advanced course for system when i see it,please stop letting posts on an internet forum get you wound up it doesnt pay youe wages,and please stop saying "contribute to the forum" while saying on the other hand that what bigdogs saying is ok "cause he has a reason and at least hes standing for what he believes in". thata fair enough but surely a scaffold forum isnt the place for all that mindless thuggery.