Scaffold manager ABU DHABI

but personally anyone who is interested PLEASE make sure you cover all your bases,and get the deal that you want.The middle east isn't that easy to walk away from if you don't like the Job or Conditions,as it is in the UK;)
They were offering 35k AED on another website/email so the position looks like it will be'd be wanting 35k+ AED after housing,car & expenses.
money is *****, this job is on das island 100 mile off abu dabi, stuck with a load of ******* muslims, no drink at weekends, **** all to do.

£4500 a month, can earn that on street easy and be home to the missus n kids every day .

get a philipina for this job cuz they wont get a decent british scaff with the right qualifications , they may get an idiot .
There are already loads of GOOD british Scaffs out there working for that ,, why comment on something you know F..k all about. If you can clear £4500 , have your car paid for, have your mortgage paid for and eat for nothing in UK then you have some F,,king job. Also to add to that, these nationalities you speak of are better than the dross in this country
There are already loads of GOOD british Scaffs out there working for that ,, why comment on something you know F..k all about. If you can clear £4500 , have your car paid for, have your mortgage paid for and eat for nothing in UK then you have some F,,king job. Also to add to that, these nationalities you speak of are better than the dross in this country

4500 a week ? I wouldn't get out of bed for that.
Even offshore in UK sector your looking at approx £3500 per month after tax (on average) on basic time, and occasionally MIGHT have to do a bit :laugh: £4500 a month for teaching some rag-heads to build cuplok doesn't seem so bad :nuts:

My mate is out in Saudi on £7.5k per month so there must be room for negotiation.
Where you working in the uk sector that your getting 3500 a trip after tax?

Must be the best job in the north sea llf!
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