quotes and invoices

big john

Well-known member
Nov 4, 2010
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dont panic,i dont want to know what you all charge?

im after a good quote template and invoice template,or just some info on what you put in both,

in a quote would it be just the sizes of the job and how long it would take? would you have to show how much you charge a metre?

would the invoice be just the price?

i know what if written sounds obvious but i want to get it write
Keep both simple and never ever tell them your meter rate. I could send you one of my estimates but you may want to make up your own.

We use software programme called "Invoice Manager" and "Cashflow Manager" which were only a couple of hundred quid but has proven invaluable over the years. You could go with the big time America's with some fancy gear but simple is beautiful but you would be best speaking with your accountant to see exactly how he expects to view your accounts.
It would be nice to see one,cheers aom,
Its seems odd after 18 years of doin the job I've never seen either,
You would need to send me your e-mail as I'm not sure how to send an attachment through the forum.:embarrest:
Hi John

Hi john ensure you put scaffold clauses in your quote,ie Main Contractor to provide a firm level base for your scaffold,Unauterised accees to scaffold to be prevented by MC,your paymant terms, Inspection responsibilty of the scaffold, No intertferance to scaffold scucture by others and so on,also ensure you clearly state what you are going to do ie lenght of the structure, width , height, boarded lifts if it is erected in one visit or if the scaffold is to be erected progressivly and so on. Should you require a list of scaffold clauses just let me know yeah.
I usually keep the quote simple, not wanting to put anyone off but I do mention the odd site specific thing like the ground or if we are going over a roof it must be made good by others but the majority of clauses can be seen on request.;)
I usually keep the quote simple, not wanting to put anyone off but I do mention the odd site specific thing like the ground or if we are going over a roof it must be made good by others but the majority of clauses can be seen on request.;)

I agree.

T&C's are generally ignored anyway. Contrary to popular belief if, for example, you turn up to strike a scaffold and it's covered in rubbish, then 'just charging the client for waiting time until the scaffold has been cleared' is a pretty fruitless exercise with most contractors. You can charge what you like - but that doesn't mean that they'll pay it.

NEVER get contractual with a customer unless it is absolutely necessary. It just pisses people off.
That's usually how we can smell trouble from the very odd person who does want to see your T&C's, it is usually followed with a non payer who has a Philadelphia lawyer who will bombard you with reasons not to pay. We have one at the moment, nothing too big but I see trouble ahead.
The clauses placed within are quotations are site / job and are only there and used if required, for example saddle scaffolds on roofs , we will not be responsible for the replacement of any broken tiles,sheeting fitted once only, etc . These are NOT T & CS but a build up of are quotation with scaffold Clauses to cover us from being contra charged for broken tiles, replacing sheeting through misuse, and extra visits to site for small adaptions, I disagree with your statement regarding keeping your Quotations simple as if you state what you have allowed for within your quotation there is no grey area for the client to say thought you allowed for that !! as has happen to many a scaffold companies Extra visits that have not been allowed for eat in to the profit which is becoming harder to make. My advise ensure you state all what for have allowed for within your quotation and cover yourself as much as possible as a good surveyer will to rob you as this is there job.
Whatever works for you Damo but I have yet to meet that surveyor.;)
Almost all, and so do most of the guy's who are looking for help that's why I always try and stick my oar in as there isn't that much help and advice out there for the really small operators and the big guy's don't need it.
i too have also worked for the smaller companies and if i can help and offer advise on both sides of the secter i will. But like you said what ever works for you, but i do think even the smaller companies need to have some protection ie clauses in there quotations as something to fall back on.
We have millions of clauses Damo, we just don't advertise them they have to be requested. Once the client signs to accept my estimate he also accepts my many many clauses.
As those who know me I have worked for the Multi Nationals down to a Small family Owned (Which I am with now...and long may it continue) And its horse's for courses really...SGB and the like will Clause Quotes up to high heaven and usually deal with a PC QS who will chuck most of them out!! Whilst I have been with the small business we become more trusting with regulars etc and don't usually send our T&C's out to them and I must admit its nice to deal with people that way....BUT....I always ensure our quotation is very accurate as to what we have allowed....NO grey areas EVER. It will come back and bite you. Our Bigger customers or sporadic/non regulars get them as a matter of course...Got to protect yourself.

If you are struggling for an Invoice or Quote Template pm me and I will email you one over...As a side note...Microsoft Office have some great Templates (Everything imagineable) that can be downloaded free and you can just bastardise to suit :D
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