Quick Shrink Wrap Sheeting Demo

Tufcoat Will

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
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Hi there chaps.

I have got my Customer Project Manager traveling up to Lancaster on Tuesday to visit an industrial customer. i am keeping him up in the Cumbria, Durham and Lancashire area over the following days.

Anyone who wants a quick demo on scaffold shrink wrap sheeting then please let me know. Its not a sales pitch. Just a practical demo on how the sheeting works and is applied.

Should take no more than an hour really each one.

Let me know please chaps and yes its free. Just make him a cuppa! :)




PS He shall come to you at your yard/office/car park - No need for you to put yourself out!
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I wont be able to make it but am interested if any solutions have been found when shrink wrapping in wind and rain.
When we did it in the mid 90s we used to have a hell of a job getting the seams to stick when the sheets were wet and shrinking a roof was nigh impossible as kept blowing holes.
Have you got round this now?
I've slagged a few new systems off on here mate but I do like your gear,there's always a question though lol,do you allow for extra pull on the ties or advise for beefier ties when your sheeting is on a building with lift shafts,the reason I ask is a couple of years ago I put some gear on a new build condo block in Florida,they hurricane proof everything there and the wind loads are unbelievable,the windows fit into a carcasse but they had not fixed them into it yet,as the lift went down it popped twenty odd windows out of their carcasses,if that amount of pressure from a lift can do that,do you allow air vents/breaks in your system or really beef up the ties to allow for what must be huge pressure that could build up from the inside of the scaffold , longwinded I know but let me reiterate I've seen similar gear in the states and ithink it makes the job look proffesional, neat and I love it,i'm sure advertising revenues off printing on it could help our game out immensely,thanks ;)
I think it's fantastic gear this mate,if you could print an advertisement on it,have the scaffold firm in the corner then the cost of installation and printing could be offset by the advert,maybe even dare I say it,,profit ;)
Ellos chaps - sorry for the delay.
Rain and wind is still the curse of shrink wrap. It gives full environmental containment yet its not a clever idea to put it up when its going for it. The rain causes a mottled effect on the sheeting as the film shrinks quicker than the water evaporates. As for the wind. If you are applying the heat then the sheeting is soft, so when the wind catches it then it can "balloon" and thin out (hence the holes).

Thats the negatives.

You are right - the sheeting is not put on with ties or cords - its wrapped round a ledger and the likes. Each project and situation would have its own things to take into consideration. If the project is to give environmental protection (keep it dry inside) then you would layer it like armour. You would then ensure that there are gaps between each layer and this allows full air flow. You of course can apply vents, zips, doors and the likes after install. It is designed to withstand high winds BUT like a customer of mine found in Serbia - It will start to perish if its over gale force 9. It probably shall split and tear rather than detach from the pole due to the weld and tape. Hence then allowing all the wind through that it wants!

Branding of the sheeting. There is a problem getting the print put on the flame retardant sheeting due to the FR chemicals that are added. This is our own stuff so belief us when we say that we have spent years exploring this. We can get a print on it BUT when you shrink it off then the image/logo gets distorted. We are constantly looking at this. Some companies have invested in substantial banners which they then attach through the film - remember if we can shrink the film around a protruding scaffold pole then you can certainly pass a rope through it and seal it.

The cost of the sheeting is not as bad as alot of people think. The 300 micron FR sheeting which is used for scaffolding will NEVER cost you more than £1.78 per m2 wholesale from us.

Cheers for your comments and feedback chaps!
maybe a retrofitted sticker you supplied would stop distortion,thanks for the answers mate,great product ;)
Joe is correct - There are tons of Sticker/Transfers being applied - especially within the marine and boating industry when they use this. The only obstacle to overcome is attaching the transfer at height.

As for the event companies HSWT, you are right. It was used at Glastonbury and other events in the UK. We are attending trade shows over the Qatar and UAE this year to see whats the story with those areas. All good fun!!

---------- Post added at 10:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ----------

The guy is in Edinburgh Thursday now. Any guys in the Lothians/Glasgow want one then let me know.
Hi there. Tom has told me he has just sorted it through Karen. Excellent. Hope it goes well!
Hi Andy, There are only a few of us who get heavily involved with Shrink Wrap projects beyond the UK. They have been doing it for a while and do both scaffolding and the sheeting.

We ourselves only specialise in shrink wrap. We have an Installations Division that cover the UK and Ireland quite happily. When you put the cost of a team of 4-8 coming over and putting this up along with digs then it aint cheap. The stuff we do abroad is normally training local teams and selling our sheeting and materials wholesale. This can include having one of our team out there supervising them to ensure they do it correctly. This covers countries from Azerbaijan, Nigeria, Australia and the whole of Europe.

My personal preference is to equip scaffolders with the knowledge and training. If there aint got the manpower to cover then job then call us. If they have then they can earn tidy money from the project.
We have a very small job to tent in on a small sub station on a wind farm on the 21st of the month. I would love to try this stuff but a bit green about the gills to be honest and no one likes looking like an amateur on site especially if he really is one.:embarrest:

Any ideas Will? The job is in Campbeltown which is pretty much in the middle of no where but would definitely quite like to get in to using this gear.
Think you may have got the wrong impression of me Joe, my hands are always dirty and the only suit I ware is a boiler suit. I'm at the sharp end too matey.:cool:
There is a system that is much the same as shrink wrap but no need to heat so good for Oil & Gas plants and wet weather IE raining will find it and stick the info up
Tufcoat hope you done think im jumping on your tread
haha,heartfelt apologies aom its just a man of your calibre and experience should be pointing rather than hemping,question though do u need training for theses windfarms and will besc national grid cover you?
Used shrink wrap loads of times in kp food factories around birdcages and on haki staircases it's an absolute doddle to use and if you make a little hole just put some white waterproof tape over it blends brilliantly!!!
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