
I've always felt the wheel is something you either like or hate, and to be honest, I hate it. Doesn't matter if I am at the top or bottom, it's just a pain in the erse. Hand to hand or if there is room I would do a doubly punt long before hanging a wheel. I know plenty like it, just not for me.
Its a game what you play as kids where you hide in this case jason to get out of doing any work then the foreman has to find him :)

Were you a foreman or supervisor on that job l.m? If not why would it bother you? Unless a fellow scaffolder is putting himself or others at risk it is no concern of your if he hides in the toilet unless he was taking your favourite hiding place?
If you were in a position of responsibility you should have dealt with it then and there.
Were you a foreman or supervisor on that job l.m? If not why would it bother you? Unless a fellow scaffolder is putting himself or others at risk it is no concern of your if he hides in the toilet unless he was taking your favourite hiding place?
If you were in a position of responsibility you should have dealt with it then and there.

l.m = Lee Pollard btw...
Hes working for Palmers on nights at London Bridge. Still there i believe.

Hes also a grass. I got told today by a reliable source who worked with him on that job many times that he would regularly grass people up to his uncle (Lee Goodrum, whos a senior Foreman on the nightshift) and EVEN got a few boys the sack so i was told today.

NEVER said a single word to me, even though my locker was less then 10ft away.
Only time i used to see him was at home time or when i could hear him mouthing off how 'cushty' his shift was - which was almost every night. :suspicious:

To be fair to the kid, i didnt even know his name till someone whispered in my ear to: "watch out for him, hes a wrong'un".
After that i didnt bother even trying to speak to him.

Well, grass or not (more then likely is), give him enough rope.
He'll hang himself. :cool:
Jason whats all this calling people grass has someone been arrested or something?
You have obviously choose the wrong friends!
Just what someone told me Steve.
Pretty reliable source too.

Your right about the friends bit... who needs enemies with people like l.m running about.
Fair play Jason I have stopped fighting people's battles years ago . As I learned that you will never get the same respect that you give out . Have a good day sir

---------- Post added at 05:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 AM ----------

Dropping gear would get people a plane ticket home on most of the jobs I have been on in the last 15 years.Even an accidental drop of a fitting, spanner or even a hard hat results in an investigation or sometimes even a full Tap Root despite exclusion zones etc being in place. Deliberate planned dropping of gear is not on these days.

Same here, I can imagine the look of horror on peoples faces if they saw bombing gear down on the jobs I've been on .
You would be on the next flight home.
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Well, its not how i do things thats for sure.
I go to work to earn money to pay the bills... not to risk myself or others.
Dont want that kind of shiit on my head.
On the train Jay?
Saw one of your videos the other day for the first time ,they are fine mate keep it up .
I still prefer to watch Thunderbirds though
On the train Jay?
Saw one of your videos the other day for the first time ,they are fine mate keep it up .
I still prefer to watch Thunderbirds though

Ya mate. Looooong journey into work, lol.
Thunderbirds was the nuts! loved it. I must have been 24 when i finally got rid of my old Thunderbird 2 motif pyjamas. :cool:
Ya mate. Looooong journey into work, lol.
Thunderbirds was the nuts! loved it. I must have been 24 when i finally got rid of my old Thunderbird 2 motif pyjamas. :c
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l.m = Lee Pollard btw...
Hes working for Palmers on nights at London Bridge. Still there i believe.

Hes also a grass. I got told today by a reliable source who worked with him on that job many times that he would regularly grass people up to his uncle (Lee Goodrum, whos a senior Foreman on the nightshift) and EVEN got a few boys the sack so i was told today.

NEVER said a single word to me, even though my locker was less then 10ft away.
Only time i used to see him was at home time or when i could hear him mouthing off how 'cushty' his shift was - which was almost every night. :suspicious:

To be fair to the kid, i didnt even know his name till someone whispered in my ear to: "watch out for him, hes a wrong'un".
After that i didnt bother even trying to speak to him.

Well, grass or not (more then likely is), give him enough rope.
He'll hang himself. :cool:

Lockers?? Bloody hell I thought you said it was a sh*t job? Expect you had a drying room, proper toilets and a canteen as well? You bloody whippersnappers don't know you're born.
aahh the good old days spanners on the shoulder soaking wet sitting half dead on the bus home,the good old days
i can hear that hovis tune again:eek:
Bus? Bloody luxury. The top gang had a tandem the rest had to walk.

More like sitting on the fittings on the back of the wagon in all weathers and trying to jump off at the lights nearest your house because the scaff driving wouldn't feckin stop if the lights were on green,i think I done about two years before you were allowed to get a seat in the cab let alone a set of spanners,if the scaffs caught you with a spanner they'd chuck it in the nearest river lol,nowadays kids are advanced in a couple of years,no wonder our games fecked,bring back the bad old sevent'ies:p:D
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