We have had a nightmare in Nottingham the past few years, although admittedly it has got a lot better now some of the main players have recieved some massive jail time...Main man got life with a minimumn tarriff of 35 years!!
The problem now is you cant just give someone a slap and it finishes at that, they f*ck off and fetch their gun or knife, mates and whatever and come back to finish you off or damage your property.
A good mate of mine dragged a joy rider out of the car the c*nt had nicked after he crashed it into a neighbours car...He promptly gave the w*nker a good kick in...Never called the police or anything, just left it at that...Couple of nights later the c*nt came back and petrol bombed his car on the drive obviously wrecking the car but much worse nearly set fire to his house as well!!
I dont want to sound like an old fart but a lot of the youth of today have lost it, no respect for anyone or anything but expect immediate respect from everyone....Like all things in life....its earned....not a given right.