Would you fail a pts medical if you were colour blind?
In this Policially correct world of equal opportunities you can't disciminate unreasonably on medical grounds.
However, you may be restricted from working on or near the railway.
See an extract of information from the Sentinel scheme for Network Rail:
"Medical fitness
You have to confirm that you are physically fit by passing an approved medical and obtaining a medical certificate.
Tell your sponsor if you have any condition which might affect your safety on
the track and update them if it changes. Depending on the condition, you
might not be allowed to go on or near the line alone. In this case your
Sentinel card will have a red triangle on it.
It’s important that you are able to see clearly when working on the railway so
if you need glasses or contact lenses make sure you wear them. If you don’t
have normal colour vision your Sentinel card will have a blue spot on it."
I hope that helps?