PTS medical

Cheers mate someone asked me, I couldn't answer the question.

Does anyone know for deffinate?
You wouldn't fail as such, but would be issued a restricted medical certificate (level 3) I think. Means you have to be accompanied at all times, and extra paperwork for your employer.
Personal track safety, Phil, me mate done it and is worried.

As it's gonna cost him otherwise
You wouldn't fail, you would have your card marked with a sign (CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT) so your COSS would be aware of your situation, so its nothing to worry about.
i would have thought he would fail because of the lights on the tracks, i am a scuba diving instructor but cant get a skippers license to drive the boat because iam colour blind and i only found out last year
Phil have you seen the bass boat in Weymouth harbour that was painted rainbow colours imagine we had to call coastguard me and you would be sat there picking the wrong colour!!

Anyway harbour master went nuts and told him to change.

I can see the reasons why colour blindness could cause confusion. As I'm colour blind too.

That's probably why 3D glasses don't work for me.
You would get a blue circle on your PTS card and it would restrict some of the higher duties that you can undertake such as handsignaller and engineering supervisor - if you are just PTS then it's no big deal.

From the NCCA guidance:

If you don’t have normal colour vision, your Sentinel card will have a blue spot on it and you are not allowed to hold any of the qualifications marked.

These are:

LKT lookout and site warden
LKT (P) lookout trained to use Pee Wee
LKT (K) lookout trained to use kango warning equipment
AOD: HS handsignaller
AOD: LXA level crossing attendant
AOD:pO points operator
ES engineering supervisor
PICOP person in charge of possession


This explains a lot of stuff regarding basic issues with PTS cards

Otto :cool: (who has spent many fun filled nights enjoying all the railway infrastructure has to offer.......)
there are different levels of it brandy i always pass my HGV medical and can see lights no problem , i even made the doctor check me again when he said i was colour blind because i dont have a problem telling red from green
Thanks for the info Phillo, was often wondering about that.
I heard of something else today-

Once you get your card, is there a time limit between working on the rail, with different sponsors, before your card expires?
I've been told but don't know how true it is, that you have to get the Coss to sign a book to prove your experience trackside in the first year or you have to resit the course again after 12 months not 24 months.

Does anyone know if this is correct?
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