I don't wish to be cynical and I mean this with the greatest of respect to burnsPW, but I'd beware strangers bearing gifts. By all means do your PTS, but don't think it's going to be a shortcut to riches. We've all heard the "yeah we got loads of work coming up, great money, blah, blah blah, then nothing happens. Most of the companies supplying labour on the rail are supplied by agencys now, and most of them would sell their mothers if there was a few quid in it for them.
The PTS rates have fallen in line with the other rates, we were getting £150 -200 a shift engineering hours 10 years ago, your not getting anything like that now, unless your on the mecca that is London bridge - which must have a waiting list a mile long now. I've seen PTS jobs advertised for 13-14 quid an hour. Until all this work kicks off the only ones winning are these training companies charging £500 a time with nothing but a handful of promises!