Promoting?? Scaffolder to Supervisor, Supervisor to Manger, etc?



Evening Scaffs.

I started on TRAD. Looooooonngg history, even loooooooooonger story...

Theres alot of hooah about TRAD here atm.
Fair play.
They have guts to come here to the lions den (where most simply dont have the balls to post under their real name and hide behind an alias)... only a few with either big balls or a think head do that.
Myself being one of those fools. ;)

Everyone is a Superhero, when posting under a fake name.
People forced to post their feelings under their true name and this Forum would be a VERY different place.
Pathetic, but sad and true.

Anyway, they mentioned that they routinely promote their Supervisors up, from their Scaffolders.
Is this a good thing??

Me?? I was brought to where i work because i did NOT know anyone here.
Reason being; if i aint got friends here, i cant show bias to anyone and treat everyone fair, from the off.

Pretty fair reasoning to me.

What do you guys think?
Is it the best practise to promote such a high percentage of your Supervisors straight from the tools??
Have to agree with you hswt. ive become as supervisor through the same company. I treat everyone fairly, from advanced through to labourers.
Yes i get on with everyone on the firm, but if they fuuck up they get a bolloocking and vise versa they do a good job they get praised. Treat everyone the same and you'll get the same respect back..
My names den i dont need to hide my true name.
Have been a superviser and absolute hated it,you can't beat being on the tools,go to work,turn a spanner,go home,no hassle no fuss.if you think the lads are on your side you are very much mistaken,once you become a superviser you have no mates anymore,that aint for me.
ha ha ha,it weren't that,was when the top governor would come to the job and ask to speak to you alone,9 times out of 10 it was all innocent but the lads would still be suspicious,in the end you feel out of the loop,only did it for 3 months and went back on the tools,just aint for me
Trouble with being a foreman/supervisor now is you're just a whipping boy when it all goes pear shaped. Most management don't back their supervisors, frightened to upset the men in case they jack. The men use H&S as a stick to beat you with, when they can't be bothered or don't want to do certain jobs. You get in the neck from site agents, senior managers, clients and employees. Why anyone would want to a supervisor is beyond me. Even the money's not that great now!
WHEN A REAL SUPERVISOR HAS NEEDED THAT LITTLE BIT EXTRA HE WILL GET IT FROM THE MEN i know plenty real men/supervisors who i still meet up with for a drink WHY BECAUSE THEY HAVE MT RESPECT;)
Do your job properly, safely and without slacking you'll get left alone by the Supervisor.
Dont do your job properly, work unsafely and take the **** and you'll fall out with your Supervisor...... No one needs to invent the wheel, just do what your paid to do...
its swings and round about with this yan. supervisors will say pull ya weigh do this and do that but and the lads on the ground will be sayign its ort saying this but its onyl elf and saftey when it suits, such and such got red carded last week for doing what he wants us to do today it happend from bth sides of the wall
WHEN A REAL SUPERVISOR HAS NEEDED THAT LITTLE BIT EXTRA HE WILL GET IT FROM THE MEN i know plenty real men/supervisors who i still meet up with for a drink WHY BECAUSE THEY HAVE MT RESPECT;)

Exactly happy.
I have always thought that being a good supervisor is like being a jockey. Without the horse the jockey is nothing and it takes a good jockey to get the best out of the steed.
Of course there will always be jockeys that can't control a horse just like there are some supervisors who get ridden by the guys and have to resort to running to their mates in management to help them.;)
Do your job properly, safely and without slacking you'll get left alone by the Supervisor.
Dont do your job properly, work unsafely and take the **** and you'll fall out with your Supervisor...... No one needs to invent the wheel, just do what your paid to do...

Agreed. Good men dont need supervising. Gooduns dont even give the super a second thought.
Have you seen hswt on a horse Happy?? He had it under control,but musta been loaded with drugs. The horse that is.
Have you seen hswt on a horse Happy?? He had it under control,but musta been loaded with drugs. The horse that is.

here john wayne him self ;)
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I been site manager for a while Lee. Funny that. Everyone wants to be your mate.
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