Product Knowledge

Didn't realise you were there Ian or I would have come. With work and family commitments I could only go to one so I got the short straw and the Mrs went to Perth. Dave came to Inverness to do a presentation as well, not sure if it was the same one but the long and short of it was get this training done. I'm hopeless with names but the locals knew him well enough and to be honest seemed a good guy but as I said spelled it out so he didn't need to feel sorry for you when he came on your site and rammed it right up you for any short falls. He even took the design issue further by suggesting drawings were needed for a lot more system jobs than he was currently seeing, thank God for Cads, and your right, Inverness is a hell of a shlep for a 3 hour meeting which was more like being back in the headmasters study but when the hse require your company it would just be bad manners to refuse.
if the young team are constantly building these systems all day every day in trying conditions then what could any instructor in their shed actually learn these guys who for me are far more learned.sorry but job creation and money making exercise for me which unfortunatly firms like aom will have to cough hard earned profit.
Here Paddy, Spoken Like A True Scaffolder 3 Posts And Hitting The Cobbles Already.
Food for thought aom, I will have to clarify what I am deemed competent to inspect :noworry: and will be doing a bit of research tomorrow.

Simian "Yes all our inspectors, instructors and consultants are trained in different systems. They all carry the manufacturers instructions as well. All new inspectors are going through this now."

Ian are you saying that all your inspectors are trained in all the systems scaffold structures they inspect and is this a legal requirement ?
Or do they use the manufacturers instructions as a basis for thier inspections

just a thought do M.O.T. car testers undergo this type of product training for the different cars they inspect.The steering, brakes, and tyres are of various types and standards from manufacturers from all over the world
Let me know what your research turns up Rigger. Just out of interest what would you do if you came across a system job mostly Tradlok but with a few cuplok and genlok components?
More than likely advise that the mixing of system scaffold is not recommended by the manufacturers (all)
Unless backed up by drawing/design the structure will not conform to the "manufactures Inscructions"

just thinking of the types of "mobile towers" I come across, although they are all of a basic design,the guage of tube, fittings,bracing and board design are all differant some of the manufacturers follow :- Zarges,Boss,Titan,Abru,Sealy,Youngman,Hailo Do I have to take course's in all of them before I can inspect them.

Will the course consist of a salesman reading to me the manufactures Instructions,and then certifying me competant to inspect thier product for a fee £££££££
It's sad isn't it. There was a health and safety awareness day round our way which was very well supported from the local trades but I felt it was a good opportunity missed with the use of salesman masquerading as safety reps. There was some interesting parts too it but the shameless way they round you up to face a product demo is annoying. Maybe a bit naive to think anything is free.
That is the crux of the matter,with Health & Safety experts finding new "problems areas" and then others coming along with "Solutions" in the form of new products that cost a fortune to buy.Then we must be "Trained" to use these products at a cost

All backed by Legislation
jason are you still wanting to do that rope ****:mad:feck me they are a bigger scurge on our game than the NASC
regarding these new cards were does it all end,we will all be carrying cards as big as the cheques that get paraded on children in need
the amounts of systems on the go without adding the alloy towers is in double figures
beurocracy gone mad
I know mate, i cant help it, lol.
I really want one of those fancy Abseiling harnesses. :embarrest:
Well, would you adam and eve it, I completed this course today and actually learned quite a bit. Not on the building but certainly on the capabilities of the product and I would say all the boy's took at least something from the course. I wasn't convinced to be honest but a good instructor can make all the difference.
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