Portfolio ??


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2010
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Hi all,

Sorry yet more ???? on the dreaded portfolio. I thought I disposed of my portfolio about 6 years ago, but the ex found it during her house move. It is totally intact, without a single entry made in it, still looks brand new lol. Can I use it? or have I got to apply for a new one? Tried phoning Erith where I done my assessed route in 2005, but just rings. At the moment enemployed so cannot show any jobs, is there a way around this? Is it worth doing with what is happening to the game? I thought the assessed route showed you are a competant scaff? before doing the course £120 - £140 a day let alone the weekend work. Now getting offered £80 a day because of a sh**** trainee card. Any advise?

You are most likely registered to QUA 522 that scheme ended in 2006 and was replaced with QUA 754. (Magenta)..that ended in 2010.
You must now reregister to QUA854 ( QCF) the good news is you do not have to provide evidence other than writting about jobs you have erected and get it verified by a scaffolder or your boss.
If you have done a part one & two You will also now have to complete a one day skills match no matter what you have done in the past so dont think that because you did the assessed route that you will not need to do it as you will.
For assistance with any portfolio Call 02085398729 ask to speck to Geoff or Mark. there are a few options open for funded training should you need it and qualify
the portfolios are a fooking joke , what if you dont do the type of jobs that you need evidence for . iv got one to do now i need a temp roof , false work,support, and a hanger . i can get the first three no problem but the chances of doing a hanger on a constuction site are practically zero . same as the lads offshore had no chance of doing falsework or temp roofs . and if you need evidence whats the point in erecting them in the training centre, other than to get your 960 .
I think it has been said before after that amount of time has gone by you may have to start again. A lot has changed in 6 years.:eek:
the portfolios are a fooking joke , what if you dont do the type of jobs that you need evidence for . iv got one to do now i need a temp roof , false work,support, and a hanger . i can get the first three no problem but the chances of doing a hanger on a constuction site are practically zero . same as the lads offshore had no chance of doing falsework or temp roofs . and if you need evidence whats the point in erecting them in the training centre, other than to get your 960 .

Unfortunatly all that the awarding body ..will say is if your not expierienced in that type of work then you are not yet at the point in your carrer that you can claim to be of an advanced level. you might very well be well expirienced in erecting basic scaffolds ( house bashing) but if you are not able to explaine how to erect a temp roof or a hanger then you can not be considered anything more than basic untill you have the knowledge and understanding of how to build it correctly.
for the new QCF portfolio you only have to provide written evidence of jobs you have been involved in and get it verified by your then employer to say that you was there and took an active part in erecting and dismantling the structure.You may be contacted by the person that is assessing your evidence when you submit it for assessment if what you have stated is lacking or unclear and then you can explaine it verbaly...assuming that is you are able to do so.....that then it is not that hard and if you can't....well then the awarding body is correct
Thanks for the info lads, onwards and upwards. Thanks for the phone number Geoff gonna give them a call in the morning. It sometimes just gets soul destroying over a card. I have been quite lucky in my career, being taught by old school, so you listen and learn, a couple of times I thought I knew better, still got scars to remind me to shut up lol.
That number had Phone line trouble today...but working again okay now !!!
in case you tried and it just rang out
Nowa days you have to progress through the card system i.e. part 1, 2 then advanced unlike before where you could jump strait to advanced. If you have your part 2 cert you can do a UWPA course where you go to college for two days and they do the portfolio for you and receive a nice £1000 for the plesure.
As geoff becks mentioned you just need two parts of evidence for your advanced which you just need evidence from the boss.
I dont think they check if your boss has really signed the paper work anyhow but could be wrong if you know what i mean.
Hi all,

Sorry yet more ???? on the dreaded portfolio. I thought I disposed of my portfolio about 6 years ago, but the ex found it during her house move. It is totally intact, without a single entry made in it, still looks brand new lol. Can I use it? or have I got to apply for a new one? Tried phoning Erith where I done my assessed route in 2005, but just rings. At the moment enemployed so cannot show any jobs, is there a way around this? Is it worth doing with what is happening to the game? I thought the assessed route showed you are a competant scaff? before doing the course £120 - £140 a day let alone the weekend work. Now getting offered £80 a day because of a sh**** trainee card. Any advise?


complete shambles mate!!! was on phone to cscs today about the dreaded ecitb card lady on phone was very helpfull said she had been inner dated with complaints about the ecitb card being changed to cisrs was offered the trainee card today when i exsplained that the cisrs card trainee was no good as your not allowed to errect scaffold on site unless your with a trained scaffolder. i said to the lady on phone iam a advanced scaffolder but only on ecitb she told me not to get a trainee untill the ecitb card gets void at end of year then you will be able to errect scaffold. 2 seperate jobs this week for seesa part of siemens my mate had a cisrs part 1 certificate but was not allowed to scaffold as he was still classed as a trainee but if he got hes ecitb card out with a cover note he could scaffold as hes done for 16 years as he wasnt sent a ecitb cover note he had to stay on ground with no spanners labouring!! get it sorted mosley your makeing a mockery of the game the left hand dont no what the right hands doing as seesa said why are they paying out all this money for a complete shambles your either a scaffolder or not!!!!
the portfolios are a fooking joke , what if you dont do the type of jobs that you need evidence for . iv got one to do now i need a temp roof , false work,support, and a hanger . i can get the first three no problem but the chances of doing a hanger on a constuction site are practically zero . same as the lads offshore had no chance of doing falsework or temp roofs . and if you need evidence whats the point in erecting them in the training centre, other than to get your 960 .

I heard aslong as you do 2 of the jobs that would be ok? Isnt there something about inspecting a temporary roof will give you one of the classes?
dico the trouble is nowadays industry wants to know that you are competent to erect scaffold corectly and safely..lets be honest there are a lot of slashers out there. the only way you can show that you ARE competent is to prove that you have been trained and tested..... much the same as you have to in odrer to drive on the road. The EITB card does not require any formal training and there is no practical or theory requirements either. At this point in time it is only the CISRS scheme that has this and that is why industry has embraced it,
I understand that you may have a vast wealth of expierience but this is worthless if you do not have a recognised registration. Lets be honest this is not a shock news flash that the construction industry and the health and safety executive was moving in this direction is it..I have known that this was comming for at least five years. anyone with a card that is not recognised has had plenty of time to get a recognised ticket, so to put it bluntly you cant blame anyone but yourself as there has been many options from the assessede route to EWPAR to help you get the national scaffold ticket, but I guess you was too busy earning money to get qualified.
Grandfather rights ended in 1979
Tried Geoff, left details on the answer thing. Also got through to CITB in Erith told £144 for the registration, portfolio, and 2 hours with an assessor at the centre....Now complete portfolio, which should be really straight forward, send off for signing, and await the one day assessment, and another cost of £365. The sort on the phone said "they are funding PT2's," So might be some help to the lads who have to sort their own out.
thanks for your comments geoff but theres a lot of slashers out there with the cisrs ticket too may not have the cisrs ticket but no way a slasher mate probably why iam always been in work as for money this shouldnt make a difference if you have money dosent mean i would go out and buy a rollsroyce the same as do the course at the end of the day notification of the (are) was poor down south as for the hse they havent a problem with the ecitb just that some sights wont accept it sorry high jacking your thread ding dong hope you get sorted mate!!!
glad you got some answers. keep that number and if I can help you just give it a bell and I willl be pleased to give you any assistance I can. if you havent figured it out I am a NCC trainer/assessor working at waltham forest and yes your right we are currently signing up CISRS part two courses through the ERF funded training through to the new year.
I understand the whole portfolio system so if you get stuck give me a call
Cheers Geoff,

I can see a way forward, don't seem so daunting now. The woman on the phone recons, I should be able to get the portfolio done in a month. The guy who assessed me back in 2005 is still there, but now is a contractor. Yes I did wonder if it was the same Geoff lol.

Dico, no worries mate, keep those posts coming.
i just realised all you need is a blank tag , a camera and a bit scaffold . just erect the job , it doesnt matter how big it is . take a picture of yourself on it and write the tag out yourself , then get your mate to fill your portfolio in . you could probably erect all four jobs , small versions of in a couple of hours. beats waiting about for companies to fill your folder in and hoping you end up on a hanger /falsework /support/temp roof
i just realised all you need is a blank tag , a camera and a bit scaffold . just erect the job , it doesnt matter how big it is . take a picture of yourself on it and write the tag out yourself , then get your mate to fill your portfolio in . you could probably erect all four jobs , small versions of in a couple of hours. beats waiting about for companies to fill your folder in and hoping you end up on a hanger /falsework /support/temp roof

Just jump up on someone elses completed job al for photo:;);)
Why are you two going on about taking photos for the portfolio...
what part of "YOU DO NOT REQUIRE PHOTOS" are you having a problem understanding.
Any portfolio that required you to provide picture evidence is now finnished....unless you was registered to QUA754 and if that is the case you only have about 18months before it becomes worthless and past its shelf life
Anyone that started a part two after October 2010 will be registered QUA854 and therefore will need to complete the new QCF site diary to provide the evidence in writting and must be able to provide further information by way of a discussion with the assessor in regards to the jobs used as evidence proving that you have a working knowledge and understanding in regards to how the job is assembled complying to BSEN12811 or TG20 and working within the law in regards the working at height regulations....that way we can tell if you are comptent and not just an expirienced slasher that does not know what is required by law....
Once again......IT DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY PHOTOS just a working knowledge for each job required for the level you are working towards
Why are you two going on about taking photos for the portfolio...
what part of "YOU DO NOT REQUIRE PHOTOS" are you having a problem understanding.


Your still not explaining how he can get the photo's for his portfolio though. :amuse:
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