plans to stamp out agency self-employment

Trad us an umbrella co to pay its self employed
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Thread put somewhere agencies won't look
Strange eh
Trad us an umbrella co to pay its self employed
Trad sponsor forum
Thread put somewhere agencies won't look
Strange eh

So Trad pay their subbies through an umbrella company?

They did come on here with all guns blazing but seem to have taken a back seat lately.
But they pay thier paye direct
Who else does?
I've not worked for any forms that do?
I'm on trad at the mo
Awful firm
I have had a few agency boys up here from time to time and everyone comes with an umbrella company. It's just a way of paying less tax. We get contacted all the time from the same firms to take over our direct payroll.

I always said it would end in tears.
The Only People That Will Feel The Brunt Of This Will Be The Worker, Because The Agencies Will Just Take The Cost From Your Pay, The Agency And Umberella Companies Will Still Make A Tidy Profit From Our Sweat And The Rich Will Still Get Richer (And Pay Less Or No Tax At All) Makes My Pish Boil Boil, Bloody Tories.
2 firms ive worked for via agency atr brenden wide boy but you do the work you get payed £550 net for 38hrs and another firm ash employment services I worked for I netted 1800 for 56hrs so thou some are poor ive been lucky so lets not brush all agenceys with the same brush cos ive had a few good holidays in the sun via these 2 agenceys
Think you guys may be getting agencys confused with payroll companies.

Thng is gerscaff the selfemployed guys pay 13% less NI even if through an umerella company then they would if paye.
Self Employed Blokes Pay Less NI Sp, But We Also Get Less Benefits, No Unemployment Money, No Holiday Or Sick Pay.
umbrellas are a disgrace both for the worker and the government/nation
its a loophole made for the agencies and companys who use them
the employee who thinks hes employed is really self employed with no rights whatsoever and a tap on the shoulder is all it takes for his notice.The fact he has to PAY someone outwith the agency to get WHAT MONIES HE EARNED IS SOMETHING THE VICTORIANS WHO SENT CHILDREN UP CHIMNEYS WOULDNT EVEN DREAM OF.
Self Employed Blokes Pay Less NI Sp, But We Also Get Less Benefits, No Unemployment Money, No Holiday Or Sick Pay.

Perhaps its just me m8 but tbh ive been self employed for over 28 years, but it seems to to me that now adays everyone wants to call themselves as self employed but receive all the rights & benifits of a employee....reguardless of the change in law & so called rights of employment etc if you want to pay less tax ,have the right to work for who you want when you want & how you want, get a tax rebate for your trading deductions etc then stay self employed. If you want all the benifits & so called saftey net of the system then go paye.the problem as i see it was the old system was ok & didnt need messying about with.when delt with correctly the differnce in monies less NI & tax are no differnt then youd receive in holiday pay etc - only a thought &:as much as i see your hatred of umberella/payroll companies i can see that with the law the way it stands it is a necessity to use them. To allow those that want to keep there status to keep it
This is about ni , a lot self employed dont pay it , havent paid it in years , if the agency have more costs the rate will go down ,plus the agy/umbrella will take your ni , so a double whammy , lower rate and ni taken without any choice in the matter , this could see an average wage go down by a 100 quid a week , not good
Happy It Was Brought In Under Tory Blairs Government, But Its The Tories Going For The Soft Target Again, Dont See The Treasury Going After The Scumbag That Owns Grangemouth Even Though His Company Has Never Paid A Penny In Tax To This Country, No Its Always The Bottom Of The Food Chain Ie Us That Feels The Full Force Of Any Legislation.

---------- Post added at 09:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 AM ----------

Sp, When I Started As A Subbie In The 1980s The System Was Far Superior To What It Is Now, There Were Very Few Agencies And No Such Thing As An Umberella Company, It Was All Price Work And Green Vouchers, The Old 714 System Worked Great If Not Abused, In The Mid 90s It Was Changed To The Voucher Scheme (Cis 24s) And That Was All Right In Its Own Way, But Geared Up More For The Agencies, Now Its Just A Total Free For All. Its Like St Ledger Says Its About Ni Clawback, Most Guys I Know (Labour Only Blokes Like Me) Work Through Agencies Because Theres Nothing Else.
I know exactly what ur saying gerscaf & its unfortunate for us thats its come down to this system now - this toppic has been discussd many tims but the crux of the matter now is under hmrc rules many people who think theye self employed just because they have a utr number actually arnt. So theres only 3 way for a guy/company to go.
1..remain as u are & hope that when hmrc eventually inspect your individual status they deem u SE(highly unlikely in 90% of audits) & pay up to 20K of back NI.
2...go PAYE get the lower wage & not as many benifits as u think but tied down more.
3...use a payroll company such as hudson contracts that for £13pppw guarentee the status of you workers under current law & have a 2m fighting for them if the hmrc ever decide to try it on -Theyre the only company with a successfull precedent set against them (crown v hudson in the high court).

From both a company & individual side with the law the way it stands i know what option i've taken. There have been individual cases where small companiez that have been trading for years have lost there claims of status against the hmrc & folded due to the back pah of liabilities awarded against them.
Dico's right imo, Agencies are neccessary for a lot of trades,tho rates could improve.
As for umbella companies, Burn them out.
I agree Fred, never liked agencies but I have used them in the past from both sides of the fence so I suppose I can't say too much about them.
There may have been few agencies as such in the early 80's but there were a lot of big subbies who employed self employed scaffs. There were no benefits to be had apart from getting paid. All the big firms like SGB used them especially on the major projects where it was rare to find a cards in man
Is that not why the 714 was scrapped? You were meant to meet certain criteria to qualify as genuine self employed.
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