People using the site, posting in job section then no other input!


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2010
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North Korea
I have noticed that in the job section people are posting there straight away and not making any other input into the site anywhere else.

On lots of other forums you need to make a certain amount of posts to open up certain sections of the forum, I suppose it's just so people ain't abusing the said forums and just leeching from them.

Now i'm all for this site finding other scaffs jobs when they are out of work but it seems some of the guys are using 'The Holy Grail' section and that's it.

We as a community should be adding input into all parts of the forum.

I'm only posting this because I started the Dubai thread in the jobs section last week and i had private messages from people who had made 1 post and even one from somebody that hadn't even posted anything at all asking me to provide details and contact numbers etc.

I don't wanna come across as a C unt and like I said I'm all for finding Scaffs jobs but i think they should be made to introduce themselves and make a little effort before certain sections are unlocked ie the jobs forum.

Cue the abuse i'm ready................................................
Yeah i know that allan and like I said i'm not trying to sound like a c.unt but most of the job hunting guys don't put anything else back into the forum whatsoever. Even a simple ''hello i'm .......'' would suffice every now and then.

I too found this forum whilst searching for jobs.
I have noticed that in the job section people are posting there straight away and not making any other input into the site anywhere else.

On lots of other forums you need to make a certain amount of posts to open up certain sections of the forum, I suppose it's just so people ain't abusing the said forums and just leeching from them.

Now i'm all for this site finding other scaffs jobs when they are out of work but it seems some of the guys are using 'The Holy Grail' section and that's it.

We as a community should be adding input into all parts of the forum.

I'm only posting this because I started the Dubai thread in the jobs section last week and i had private messages from people who had made 1 post and even one from somebody that hadn't even posted anything at all asking me to provide details and contact numbers etc.

I don't wanna come across as a C unt and like I said I'm all for finding Scaffs jobs but i think they should be made to introduce themselves and make a little effort before certain sections are unlocked ie the jobs forum.

Cue the abuse i'm ready................................................

A very fair and reasonable comment V.L.L.B. :amazed:
a lot of members only found this forum by searching for a job so it does work both ways .if you google scaffold jobs you can get straight to the job section on here

Maybe it shouldn't be linked in to google like that, lots of other sites make you sign up before you can read the topics etc
I have noticed that in the job section people are posting there straight away and not making any other input into the site anywhere else.

On lots of other forums you need to make a certain amount of posts to open up certain sections of the forum, I suppose it's just so people ain't abusing the said forums and just leeching from them.

Now i'm all for this site finding other scaffs jobs when they are out of work but it seems some of the guys are using 'The Holy Grail' section and that's it.

We as a community should be adding input into all parts of the forum.

I'm only posting this because I started the Dubai thread in the jobs section last week and i had private messages from people who had made 1 post and even one from somebody that hadn't even posted anything at all asking me to provide details and contact numbers etc.

I don't wanna come across as a C unt and like I said I'm all for finding Scaffs jobs but i think they should be made to introduce themselves and make a little effort before certain sections are unlocked ie the jobs forum.

Cue the abuse i'm ready................................................

hi big boy iam 18 year olde part1 gay scaffolder how are you londonleedsboy.
i m not saying its right , do you mean people actually starting threads looking for work or just viewing the jobs section ? maybe you should have to post on a set amount of threads before starting your own
That's sort of the right way yeah allan, having to post X amount of times before you can post yourself or even read the jobs section for that matter. This is a very prestigious site after all.
I think the guest's access should be more limited and all members should have to state their location.
If S.F. registered scaffs only want to look at the job section and not give any input or read other posts so be it.
Well I think they should have at least 50 postings on the site before they can veiw the jobs section. It must be the foreigners logging and still not having a clue.
Can guests read members profiles?

Not sure mate but they can send you private messages without making any posts on the site at all (to my annoyance)

---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 PM ----------

Well I think they should have at least 50 postings on the site before they can veiw the jobs section. It must be the foreigners logging and still not having a clue.

Exactly the point I am trying to make Steve.
possibly they just not the type of people that like talking bullpoop and stuff in forums , its just not their thing, they might be borrowing someone else,s pc or internet connection or cybercafe just to search for jobs.
they poss testing the water before taking the plunge and joining up, or maybe scared to join after seeing some of the more tasty posts we have seen on here :laugh:

But the most probable explanation is , they either NASC people, foriegners. or union officals an ecitb people planning their nxt move while gathering intelligence from the forum grapevine :nuts:

P.S you can change your account settings to stop people messaging you and stuff
i myself only really check the site when i'm out of work and usually only the job section,today has been an exception,mainly cos i have mates i have a crack with most days,a lot who are also scaffs so can talk scaffolding with them if i need to discuss anything job related,so i dont feel the need to chat about anything else on here,however i have posted about a couple of dodgy agencies i have had the misfortune to work for,and will do so in the future if i have any more bad encounters, so i would personally say i have added to the forum,would it be right to have me blocked from using the job section because i rarely post anywhere else or rarely post on the forum at all ?
i myself only really check the site when i'm out of work and usually only the job section,today has been an exception,mainly cos i have mates i have a crack with most days,a lot who are also scaffs so can talk scaffolding with them if i need to discuss anything job related,so i dont feel the need to chat about anything else on here,however i have posted about a couple of dodgy agencies i have had the misfortune to work for,and will do so in the future if i have any more bad encounters, so i would personally say i have added to the forum,would it be right to have me blocked from using the job section because i rarely post anywhere else or rarely post on the forum at all ?

Maybe it should be that you would be able to view it but it could stop 1 posters in the job section......Work wanted in..., scaff looking for work will travel and need work urgent....**** that clogs up the job section :unsure:

...and maybe you should input a little more than free post :S
hi lads only been a member a few days,and think the forum is quite interesting and amusing thanks for laughs.only been using a computer for about 2months
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