Part 2

All it's ever cost me is the two weeks wages while their away,and the funding from the citb more than covers it,either as an experienced worker,which is free and you can claim the attendance grant,or the apprentice scheme which has no age limit in wales and the grants from that actually leaves me up considerably,i've put plenty through right up to advance and never paid a penny for any of them,at this moment i've got four apprentices at various stages of training,and they either go to bircham or lately birmingham,and long may it continue;)
Thats a fair comment tbh.
Thats something i DONT agree with... if a Scaff dont like a Firm, then he should leave.
Not stay and thieve a ticket out of them and f.uck off a few weeks later...

To me, its taking the piss and thieving... :notrust:

When they do this, all it does is stop the Firm putting anymore blokes through their tickets.

But, you do hear it all the time, when speaking to random blokes.
The old: "We would give you a payrise, but seeing as we just forked out x-amount for your ticket, we aint got the money to pay you extra..."
think it depends on the size of the company and its cash flow, thats wots gonna mess this game up as no-one will want to cover the costs anymore - will av to tell the boss to contact bigfish for details of freebees
That contract you signed is not worth the paper its wrote on scaff. Companies have a duty to provide relevant qualifications. Plus that course will only cost him around £300 as they no doubt pay into C.I.T.B anyway. Dont let them pull the wool over your eyes son......
i know of guys who have had their part 2's and advanced paid for them but then had them held back by the company , interslave
Maybe the best thing Scaff can do is:

Do his Part 2...
Suck up to the boss, get a van.
Chat up the bosses Daughter.
Get her up the duff. ;)
Run the Boss over in the company van.
'Inherit' the company, from the Daughter he was shagging.
Tell younger Scaffolders the old classic: "When i was on the tools...!".
Start shagging the 19 year old Receptionist.
Sell up and run off to Spain with said strumpet... :cool:

Live happily ever after. :bigsmile:
do you know if there's any funding/grants you can apply for yourself to get your part 1?
think it depends on the size of the company and its cash flow, thats wots gonna mess this game up as no-one will want to cover the costs anymore - will av to tell the boss to contact bigfish for details of freebees

CITB-ConstructionSkills Apprenticeships - ConstructionSkills
Hotspanner check out the £9,000 over two years per apprentice,if your company is in wales you get pretty much everything from the citb,i thought it was the same uk wide but with age limits outside of wales;)
i can count on 2 hands maybe 1 the amount of people ive met who have got their card with companies , the best way is pay for everything yourself and dont try to get offshore unless youve either got plenty of money or plenty of friends
CITB-ConstructionSkills Apprenticeships - ConstructionSkills
Hotspanner check out the £9,000 over two years per apprentice,if your company is in wales you get pretty much everything from the citb,i thought it was the same uk wide but with age limits outside of wales;)

It is BF and if your getting the added benefit of no age limits you are on to a winner. I get good use of this scheme also with another 2 just about to go through it but I did have to pay full price to send another for his advanced with nothing more than the attendance grant.
Well thas it signed the your mine document to day 1,900 quid price of the course plus a weeks wage as he giving me a weeks free wage and taking a weeks holiday lol must of give me a pay rise 700 for weeks wage??? Lol aye well its hapending mondays any advise lads questions etc

your be praying for friday to come by the end of the second week as you finish early!! if its anything like the part 1!!! as for the part 2 most my work collages have said never again board comes in to mind and there only 21 plus years of age!!! imagine what its like for the older scaffolder thats been doing it for years even if youve finished early you have to stay like a naughty little boy but good luck scaff 1989 fridays soon come round!!! if your lazy and want 2 weeks tossing it off instead of grafting then happy days personally i would rather be grafting!! cant speak for all trainning centres some may be fun:unsure:
Cheers dico i part 1 was a funny crk every 1 sora knows every 1 any how round here our lass says its a bit hills have eyes ;p; i but it will be a welcome break form the daily slogg lol and going in after the course for a week so wont see much change really, fink its worth setting a bogus firm up just for the atendance grants aom n bf ahahhahha lol
I watched a programme a few weeks back where they reckon that's exactly what some are doing, some big outfits as well.
lol every scheme i think of has allways seems to be foiled b4 its off the ground by aom lol
haha, bad news for you marra, I'm a straight arrow. Nothing to do with honesty, just too thick to work out a good scam. It seems to pay dividends though.:cool:
spoke to the boss and he reckons that the guys we put through are over the age limit for the apprentice scheme- as he tends to put older guys through that have the experiance but not the tickets although he did run his son and another through that scheme,and now the daily allowance has been reduced as well, he has surgested to one of the selfempolyed boys that if he wanted to he would deduct the money from his wage at source untill they had enough saved to send themself away but was just met with a fookthat lolol
:Dhonesty is the best policy lol but to correct you on the arrow.... (fact allert :idea:)lol an arrow dont fly stright thats a myth its actully concave's and convex's rappedly when flying threw the air so fast the human eye crnt see it and percives it to be flying ridgit/stright ;)so maby tht works for you bit of this and that dont do any 1 any harm lol
As I said, bent as a fookin 10 bob note.:embarrest:

Hotspanner, quite an expensive way to do things when there is plenty of funding for the young team.

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

I did something similar with an older one who left shortly afterwards but he couldn't scaffold a phonebox so I didn't mind.
On my part 2 I was the only one paying for the course, £1100 + £330 for the assessment. I was doing agency work at the time so also had no wages for the duration. Everyone else there had their course costs through the train to gain scheme. Some of them had their wages paid & others had to use up their holidays. I'm almost certain that's at the employers discretion but I could be wrong.
I think it's fair that an employer should expect a bit of (loyalty) from an employee after funding their course. It benefits both at the end of the day.
employers are supposed to pay for the training and pay you when your there as you are, i reality still at work. Its expensive but i think they can claim alot back.

Saying that when i did my part 2 i payed for it myself and i didnt get any wages for two weeks cost me just over £2,500 with the assessment, which for me is a hell of alot of money!

Best thing was smiling at my boss when i got my advanced (paid for that aswell) it was abit like the penguins off Madagascar 'just smile and wave boys, smile n wave!' as i walked out the door!
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