part 2, hard?


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2011
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looking to book part 2 just wondering if its hard as i dont have the money to waste if i fail, been on spanners for 3years and past my part 1 in may,
No 1 fails

if year been doing it for 3 years

how can you fail

And over the years and more so laterly Ive seen loads that should of failed
looking to book part 2 just wondering if its hard as i dont have the money to waste if i fail, been on spanners for 3years and past my part 1 in may,

Hello mate.

No... its not hard. if anything its more like a holiday camp. :)
Theres no rush to do any job there, everything needs to neat and safe and as long as your half sensible and take your time, you'll be fine.

Its only hard if your a total bell-end or you cannot be bothered to listen to the advice of your Instructor.

Its fairly easy and straight forward.
You do various Scaffolds (if my memory serves me correctly), like a Roof Saddle, a Cantilever Truss-out, a Cantilever Dropper - which is like a Hanger, but you throw off your Needles, then hang down, Beamwork, a 3 story Tower - if i remember rightly, and so on...

Just turn up, dont act too cocky and be friendly to others - they are ALL the same as you and me, just normal Scaffolders trying to better themselves and get some more Qualifications/Money.
Like anything... the Instructors are the teachers and they want the Scaffolds put up THEIR way (just like when you do your driving test, tbh.)

You'll be fine. Just do as the Instructor wants, listen when he tells you things and dont kill anyone or do anything silly/show off and you'll pass it no problem. :)
about as hard as a very old mans cock... unless your a cuplok merchant and never done t&f... your fine. If me memory works, you do a 13ft one lift indp and a one lift tower (a BIG BOX)... two ticks for the practicals... then you get on with doin roof saddles, beam works la la la.. then a written test at the end. two weeks jolly.
A very good friend of mine has recently done his part 2 and the Truss out, dropper have been moved to the Advanced ticket. Not sure how true that is.Could do with some in the know to back that up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes that's true the canterlever drop is now on the advanced course
Just finished mine a couple of weeks ago. Nothing to worry about. We did a truss out dropper with an independent built on top a splay scaffold with 3 loading bays on it, roof saddle, loading gantry & 2 independents, bridged with beams, a fan protection on one side & a ladder access platform on the other.
A lot of the questions were covered on your part 1 but you will have to put in a bit of revision for the questions based on the jobs you do on the course.
All in all decent course but nothing too taxing if you have 3 years behind you.
Good luck. :smile1:
the instrutor would get sacked if he failed ya

---------- Post added at 03:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 PM ----------


Only criteria instructor has for pass or fail is 100% attendance , so hardest part is turning up every day :)
Only criteria instructor has for pass or fail is 100% attendance , so hardest part is turning up every day :)

Things must have changed then. I actually saw 2 men sent home on the first day because they incorrectly estimated the material required to build a 13' independent with kicker lift.Admittedly this was back in the days of single handrails and no harnesses.:D
Its a training course, your not meant to fail, you can only fail the assesment..
Yes havespanner. Was exactly same, had to estimate and fetch all our gear, exactly what was required and not a fitting more ! lol, were not allowed to go for anything else once started.
There were also a few lads failed/sent home for various reasons but that was cecol not the 2 week courses
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I would not worry mate,no one fails,as long as you have half a brain and listen then you will be fine,all they are intrested in is taking the money,sorry to sound negative,but its the truth,I just passed my Advance ticket with a nice chap who had never used tube and fitting be fore,no one fails mate,they should do but they don"t .
Exactly my point scaffjim. These days no one fails and even nice chaps can become advanced scaffs.
Zoetsey backs me up when I said courses were different in those days. How many young advanced scaffolders can estimate gear for even a simple job?

all of them, gear list.
50 of them
200 of them
50 of them
100 off them
and 50 of them to make sure;)
Its a training course, your not meant to fail, you can only fail the assesment..

I agree with you there mate, Train to gain, not Train to fail. The Course is meant to be , Educational and delivered as E.D.I.P.
E- Explanation
In reality, you just need to attend everyday of this part of the Course. However, as quoted above,the 'Assessment phase is a different kettle of Fish (supposedly) ;)
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