

Well-known member
Nov 15, 2010
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if im on books and turn up for work should i get paid wen they send us home:sad:
Easy answer is yes, a bit more difficult if this has been compounded already by difficult trading conditions for the firm you currently work at.
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hard as it sounds sammy if you where to work would you earn your wages ?
Company's are already finding it hard with all the new HSE obligations as well as trying to get out of a major recession :)
Hi this extract is taken from the UCATT website.

Guaranteed pay and lay off provisions
An employee who is not provided with work throughout a day during which he would normally be required to work under his contract of employment is entitled to be paid a guarantee payment by his employer if:

•there is a reduction in the requirements of the employer's business for work of the kind which the employee is employed to do; or
•there is any other occurrence which affects the normal working of the business in relation to this type of work.
However, the entitlement to a guarantee payment is also subject to the following provisos:

•guaranteed payments can be made only in respect of a complete working day lost - they are not required to be made in respect of a day in which some work is provided, even if that work is provided outside normal working hours;
•an employee must comply with any reasonable requirements imposed by an employer to ensure that his services are available;
•an employee must not unreasonably refuse an offer from an employer of suitable alternative work (which need not be work he is under his contract employed to perform) ;
•an employee will not be entitled to a guaranteed payment if the failure to provide him with work is a result of a strike, lock-out or other industrial action involving any other employee of his employer or of an associated employer.
Payments Under the CIJC Working Rule Agreement
Under the CIJC Working Rule 17.4.1, normal wages should be paid for the day you are notified of the lay off and for the first five working days.

If you work outside of the CJIC Working Rule Agreement, you are entitled, after one month’s employment, to the statutory guaranteed payment of £18.40 (Feb 2005) for each of the first five days to lay-off up to a maximum of £92.00 a week under section 31(1) of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

If the lay-off lasts continuously for 4 weeks, or for any six weeks in a 13 week period, then you can claim redundancy if the employer cannot guarantee a further 13 weeks work which must begin within 4 weeks. You may lose your notice pay when claiming redundancy in this situation.
Has an employer I asked my lads to tidy the yard and clean the wagons inside and out (that was a days work as it is) as it was to dangerous to scaffold (safety comes first with me), some lads stayed till around 12.00 and chose to go home so pay stopped at 12.00 o'clock and some lads chose to go straight home on no pay as there chose to go home.

So the rule is :- if the lads choose to go home then no pay.
if the employer tells the lads to go home then yes you should be paid.
Thats all very well Paddy and is the reason that a lot of companys treat their lads so badly
my lads get paid a full shift any day they turn up and i send them home through adverse weather. If they cant even get to work what am i supposed to do ? i also pay them a full shift if they need to have a day of for personal reasons,(as long as its been arranged) , they get a shift and a half on Saturdays and a double shift on Sundays. In return they give me 100% every day
Sounds fair enough to me Phil and about the same as we do it which is probably better than the ucatt directive. If things go pear shaped up here I will give you a call if you ever need an extra man.:cool:
Sorry Phil, but we scaffold firm owners only get paid for the erection of scaffolding so where does the money come from for a full shift for all employees to take days off when they like.
Hi Tac,

From the plenty hard shifts you get all year.
the dont just get a day of when they like Tac, but if one of them needs a day of then i pay them ,they know if they take the pis* then they get told to F*** of.
i have always believed if you treat the lads right then they will go that extra bit for you and my lads do , i dont get moaning because its 5.30 and the job still needs netting they just get on with it its the way it should be give and take. Not the lads give and the company takes.
I totally agree with you in a perfect world.. but most lads here ain't to bad, but some the more you give them the more they take. So where does it stop. I have tried to find that answer for a long time now, so I had to get a bit though with them but not to much so my motto is (No work No pay) as i don't get paid for no work.
you got to weed out the piss takers Tac because all they do is cause discontent amongst the others , good lads are very hard to come by so when you get them you gotta keep them and look after them , iam on the tools most days and never ask my lads to do anything iam not happy to do myself.It cant be easy when you have a lot of men to watch i agree, but then you use your trusted lads to keep an eye on things whilst you are else where.I have always noticed that the lads dont like someone in a nice suit coming out to site moaning at them , but you put your tools on and jump in they give you the respect you deserve , my lads are in doubt as to who is in charge but very rarely

do i have to pull rank on them because if i can do it so can they :)
Thats all very well Paddy and is the reason that a lot of companys treat their lads so badly
my lads get paid a full shift any day they turn up and i send them home through adverse weather. If they cant even get to work what am i supposed to do ? i also pay them a full shift if they need to have a day of for personal reasons,(as long as its been arranged) , they get a shift and a half on Saturdays and a double shift on Sundays. In return they give me 100% every day

If your paying digs I can start Monday week big Phil and give 110% :toung:
I totally agree with you in a perfect world.. but most lads here ain't to bad, but some the more you give them the more they take. So where does it stop. I have tried to find that answer for a long time now, so I had to get a bit though with them but not to much so my motto is (No work No pay) as i don't get paid for no work.

I don't know what size of firm your running Tac but I find some things are easier when your small and the give and take thing is one of them. Also being on the spanners myself around 80-90% of the time helps you understand exactly how hard the boys have been grafting therefore helping you decide who go's who stay's who gets the cash and who gets the finger therefore leaving you with a tight knit squad of guys all pulling in the same direction willing to go the extra mile for the firm and deserving of a break when you are able to give it. Far from perfect and able to wail like Iraqy washer women at times but on the whole pretty good.
you got to weed out the piss takers Tac because all they do is cause discontent amongst the others , good lads are very hard to come by so when you get them you gotta keep them and look after them , iam on the tools most days and never ask my lads to do anything iam not happy to do myself.It cant be easy when you have a lot of men to watch i agree, but then you use your trusted lads to keep an eye on things whilst you are else where.I have always noticed that the lads dont like someone in a nice suit coming out to site moaning at them , but you put your tools on and jump in they give you the respect you deserve , my lads are in doubt as to who is in charge but very rarely

do i have to pull rank on them because if i can do it so can they :)

It's nice to read good advice from a nice guy
Many thanks Phil
Chin up everyone the fluffy white stuff isn't going last forever ;).
i totally agree with phill.
and ur so right mate.. treat ur boys right and ull get good graft and respact back..
nothing worse than working 4 a tight penny pinching f***er who has no respect 4 his boys, as ive experienced my self.
Thats all very well Paddy and is the reason that a lot of companys treat their lads so badly
my lads get paid a full shift any day they turn up and i send them home through adverse weather. If they cant even get to work what am i supposed to do ? i also pay them a full shift if they need to have a day of for personal reasons,(as long as its been arranged) , they get a shift and a half on Saturdays and a double shift on Sundays. In return they give me 100% every day

I think i have been mis-interpretated with my post, the extract is for a Temp lay-off situation,mate. Not for any Tom,D1ck or Harriet, to have a day off with pay.

AOM mate, It is not a, UCATT directive, it is contained within the Construction Industry Joint Council (CIJC) Working rule agreement. Which my Employer is a party too. Cheers Lads, hope this helps a bit more.
Has an employer I asked my lads to tidy the yard and clean the wagons inside and out (that was a days work as it is) as it was to dangerous to scaffold (safety comes first with me), some lads stayed till around 12.00 and chose to go home so pay stopped at 12.00 o'clock and some lads chose to go straight home on no pay as there chose to go home.

So the rule is :- if the lads choose to go home then no pay.
if the employer tells the lads to go home then yes you should be paid.

i turned up this morning and asked if ther was owt in yard he said no so i should get paid really
I would say yes Sammy. Speak to your manager and ask him what's happening with the cash for lost hours, hopefully he can explain and justify his decisions.
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