one million safe man hours

The Labour was mainly from India and thats more local then Labour from Europe, isnt it?
Thats what i was told... but it might not be exactly word for word, as it was over 5 years ago...

As you clearly misread my post, as usual... i recoloured the section that you failed to read.

Britain is pretty much considered the leading country in the world when it comes to Construction Health and Safety.

Might wanna pop down to spec-savers mate...

Not having a pop because I am old are you Jason?
You still havent said what company asked you to supervise in Dubai??
F.ucks sake HaveSpanner!
Give it a rest mate...

I dont give a shiit if your 15 or 65, stop giving me grief for f.ucks sake, fella. :notrust:

The Firm dont matter.
Ask no questions - get told no lies. ;)
Congratulations wgogs, an excellent achievement by anyone's standard.
wgogs well done and a nice wee one for the cv
as regarding the actual achievement as the guys are really dependant on the work i really do think that the threat of loosing work and being sent home is too great for these poor cants
i worked on a barge about 15 years ago and the the thais,phillipinos etc were **** scared of loosing their jobs and actually got slapped about by the cants who ran the barge 1 wee guy actually done 18months because he was terrified of asking about going home incase he never got back :eek:

Good Stats---was this partly due to the input from Doug Stewart " inscaff " and the Training Facility he established and developed for Aramco ???.

To Gary Adams,

Gary Doug is a close friend of mine and we lived near each other over here though he has gone home now,no not with any thanks to Doug, he has never worked for me at Cape nor developed any material for Aramco, we worked together with Al-Suwaidi 2008/09 when he done the training there but it was all internal.

Thats a good achievment over there, but there are factors with the labour that help with that ie:scared to report an accident due to lose of employment, if it was an environment on UK soil for cape here it would be more challenging to achieve, as you will know yourself working for cape in the UK.
Its a great achievement anywhere. In fact no one is scared to report any incident out here it is mandatory.
Even though its a long time since i worked in UK people there are more worried and scared about losing their jobs than any working in the Gulf or Asian Pacific Rim areas.
You only have to read the posts on this forum to realise that.
As yourself I have worked all over the world West Africa, North Africa, Asia, UAE, Europe and every job I have worked on there has been cover ups with regards to recordable LTI's. Including broken bones, loss of sight, 1st degree burns and unf even 1 fatality all covered up by either the Client, PMT or Contractors. Why is simple, because all bidders for new projects have to produce a proven safety recordable incident rate of less than 1.5%. Anything above that rate and your bid is filed in the BIN.
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