offshore work?? (1 Viewer)

Not herd the offer yet but it will be RPI as it is every year it will be unite who accept it when it is on the table (3%)
Now they are 2 hookups this year and Unite pulled out of the Hookup raets 10 years ago they have a lot to answer ? thats why the offshore rate is so low and its only went up 50p an hour for the last 25 years 1988 it was £4.80 and now its £19.50
dont waste ur time, offshore work is extremely hard to get into......i should know
Not herd the offer yet but it will be RPI as it is every year it will be unite who accept it when it is on the table (3%)
Now they are 2 hookups this year and Unite pulled out of the Hookup raets 10 years ago they have a lot to answer ? thats why the offshore rate is so low and its only went up 50p an hour for the last 25 years 1988 it was £4.80 and now its £19.50

Just over 3%
cape are busy,they are picking contracts up all over the place,they now got the contract off humberside i think its being run from the yarmouth office...
01493 657111 great yarmouth

---------- Post added at 07:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 PM ----------

Im in west africafor cape at the minute..7 weeks putting in 2jackets 2topsides bridge and flare........
which way are you voting for the pay rise yes or no? lads. i have voted no. the oil companys are making millions by the second, its about time we had a bit back. but as you know the yes vote will win again.
The problem is no one will ever know who is voteing and whos is getting the ballet paper send out. thier are good unite members out thier who have never recived any ballet paper or any info its a joke every year
its not the oil companies that decide on the rates paid..its all directors of companies....this is were these sh!t agreements come from OCA so on so forth.
biggest problem is there is always someone that will say yes and work for the rate thats put in front of them...i believe scaffs should be on a minimum of 400 a day for the job we do...i earnt more 10 years ago than now...
the biggest problem is guys going offshore and putting their hands up for extra fecking time,and wanting holiday pay and no holidays.
idiots throwing away everything that was fought for,and playing into the hands of the employers,
the cullen report stated that men were switching off after 10 days and ready for home now with the helicopter shiit and the hands up for more time we will all end up back on 3 and 3
cheers brothers;)
for me its a no everytime
eastern euopeans and filipino are ruining everything, there is no way back !! next election get off our backsides and vote for U.K.I.P to stop cheap labour
yea but we didnt undercut the dutch or work for f**k all !!! there was plenty work to go around back then . so u agree then to filipino and eastern uero,s working for buttons and doing s****e work too ? ive seen them working over the years and the standard is ***** !!! by the way im a pt 2 scaff though i also have other trades behind me.
when in Holland on the esso refinery i asked the gaffer about the Scaffolding and his answer was feck that we get you guys or THE TURKS,so Spanner does have a point.
there are plenty of very good Filipino Scaffolders.
dont blame the traveling man blame the system
Worked in Holland in the late 80s early 90s , have to say the safety was non existent . The Dutch didn`t work overtime cause they got taxed to the hilt so they brought us in to do the mega hours . Have to say I enjoyed my time in cloggyland although far to many turks .
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