Off shore Rota change 3 & 3 News!

The Pay Master calls the tune, the Service Companies conduct the piece and the Work Force dance to the tune :cry: thats Option One…:sick:

Option Two, hit the cobbles or the Beach, as the case maybe :eek:

Option Tree, Diversify, move to a different Sector, not sure if thats an option for many ???:wondering:
Well sorry to say but theses are just stalling tactics from unite ..
Its not a ballot for industrial action but an illegal move on behave of their members .
IE a consultative ballot of our members ..
So can Unite prove who and where there members are employed and if they are onshore or offshore .
Its plan and simple its a stalling tactic because these conditions will change for some contractors on April the 1st .
Far to late to organise an industrial ballot as it can take several weeks ,so again
stalling tactics from the bent Union another sweetheart deal from them and the OCA cartel .
There will be an OILC meeting this friday the 20th at the Premier Inn George ST Glasgow at 3 pm all non members welcome to attend
This will be the Mother of all meetings to see if we can find the truth behind Unites intentions regarding recent headlines ,and if they can prove the amount of members they have on there books offshore .
My opinion is we need to take some action, if we let the oil companies dictate all the terms we are fecked but the sad fact is there are to many that would work offshore on any rota and for half the coin sad but true.
I've been saddened by the quality of men offshore for many years.the OLD SCHOOL who worked hard and played harder and fought like fuuck for the conditions that the new breed of 3 weeker merchants who go offshore with a kitbag full of protein powder will fuuck any strike or proposed action as they don't give a feck as long as they can sit on their arse all day and go to the gym at night.
happyhuge what is it to you if they take protein powder offshore??totally irrelevant pal,also its not them who chose to sit around its not theyr choice,was a waste of time posting that nonsense there in my opinion.
Well jiggaman I think what Happys post means ..
Some Scaffolders are only interested in one thing
They should get involved and protect what they have inherited form past generation
Some just want to look the part and not play there part get involved,
Ps have to agree with Mr Grame Tran passing away Unite have not step up to the plate for there members
@ Happy & Old Scaff...Well said guys. I was out there for many years and I've seen a lot of the changes and what was sadly taken off of the troops bit by bit, ( Day rates. O/T, inbetweenies etc). I'm glad now to be out of the offshore game. It's a very different place these days.
I stand with Happy & Old Scaff on this one, old skool Scaffs know the hardships endured by their Families during disputes in the past and the penalties imposed on the Brothers who participated ( The Black List :eek: )

As for Mr Grame Tran, a true stalwart for the cause, still sadly missed by all who worked and knew him, sure could do with him now...
jiggaman, me thinks your one of the protein powder mob, to many young kids happy to go offshore and do sfa except pick up a pay packet and go to the gym. absolute wan kers. been no where and done f u ck all. i sit in the t shack and listen to the vomit these guys spew day after day and it is embarrasing. like happy has said these guys would sh it a brick if asked to walk, to many with £250,000 mortgages and fast cars.
In all the years that I have worked offshore I cannot believe the amount of guys who come out with thier protien fart powder, if you are a scaff and anywhere half decent at it you shouldn't have to go near a gym, unless your gay, to many going in at tea break and claiming to have done 5k then look at you as if you have just buggered their mother if you ask them to lift a 5 foot tube.
so anywhere near a half decent scaff and you wouldnt need to go near a gym?sorry but thats one load of rubbish,only a person who has no idea about training would say that.going to the gym is something alot of people enjoy doing it doesnt mean you should judge theyr work on it?!caveman attitude is probably whats got scaffs into this mess,get with the times
Auld saying, " If your going to the gym at night, you're doing F*ck all during the day".
In all the years that I have worked offshore I cannot believe the amount of guys who come out with thier protien fart powder, if you are a scaff and anywhere half decent at it you shouldn't have to go near a gym, unless your gay, to many going in at tea break and claiming to have done 5k then look at you as if you have just buggered their mother if you ask them to lift a 5 foot tube.
Too true Robbo, can remember the days when you talked about T&Cs it meant terms & conditions,,now it means Triceps & cardio.
correct it is an "auld"
saying, just cause the younger ones aint fecked with the booze and have energy to work(especially offshore where lets face it we arnt hard pushed)then go to gym at night rather than stuff theyr faces doesnt mean you should sound bitter about it.times have changed,accept it.
So times have changed, pitty the money hasn`t, if you want to go to the gym at night mate fill your boots it`s your time, it`s the gays sorry guys who do it during their shift that p!ss most people off. Believe it or not tea breaks are just that tea breaks.
Looks like the Auld Days have gone and a new epoch is on the horizon where to survive you will have to be leaner, at the Hight of their Competency level, more efficient and effective and mobilise at the drop of a hat, EEeemmm nothing changed form the old skool there then :cool:
Just heard some lads are being called by their company with a lawyer present and being told congratulations you have been retained on the platform on a 3x3 basis, despicable tactics but unfortunately all to many will fall for it.
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