not gettin paid til 7th jan


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2010
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is this right im working this week and not getting paid til 7th jan cos women who pays wages isnt working
its not a wind up there just full on piss takers just a warning to you lot dont ever work for complete access from barnsley
hold a wagon load of gear ransom ,as a backup,works for me.they dont pay,you weigh it in.
Mmmm so what date is your last payday b4 Xmas. I'll speak to kiddy.
Going out and dismantling the work your not getting paid for usually gets a reaction:D
It sounds dodgy to me. They sound like a big firm with many scaffs. Is everyone not getting paid or just a mix up with your details or something. I don't know how long you been there but if they can't pay their men the week befor Xmas I wouldn't want to go back there after it. Good luck mate
is this right im working this week and not getting paid til 7th jan cos women who pays wages isnt working
I expect to read about this company going into administration in the new year if this is what they are up to. Let me guess you have to work up to Christmas eve though ? Thats a shabby trick to play before Christmas
Everyone has cashflow problems from time to time but in my opinion thats taking the piss , is it just you or the whole firm , im sure the MD or directors knows how to do online banking ect
Like the others suggest id get your money and do one in the new year
they are taking the p1ss.
1. go to office and ask for reason, be polite
2. see what the reason is? reasonable or taking p1ss. stay calm.
3. depends on 2, walk away and just take it:embarrest: :love:
4,5,6,7,8,9,10. go into the yard get the longest tube you can swing comfortably and go back and do him, them, or anyone else that is taking the
p1ss, then tell him to shove his wages up his ar5e, fukcin
d1ckhead :mad::nuts:
Any man who sends another man home at christmas without his weeks wages and holiday pay should be rounded in to the yard and soundly beaten around the face and head before being shot several times in each testicle.:idea:

Sammyscaff, this is a step too far, just don't accept it.
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