New Lorries for LEZ

what a crack bombing onto a tautliner hahahahahaha i would never find the young lads again if you sent them in to get some gear , i think its ramport that have cages around their trailers , must be a b*****d loading and unloading
yeh ive seen that , stops the thiefs on the council estates !!! Was told that the cages are demountable for loading ect !!!
Second hand we've bought 7.5t IVECO Cargo's, but new and second hand my preference is for DAF :blink1:.

We've got a couple of 26 tonners with Multilift demounts, one of which also has a HIAB, and a 7.5 tonner. None of them have missed a beat, they're not overly complicated, and parts and maintenance are relatively cheap compared to the German and Swedish makes.
We were transporting Rockets for the Multi Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) we had a strapdown manual for loads, never lost one yet. thank feck Big Boom springs to mind,lol:D

oh no, we've got a long range sniper on the forum!:blink1::cheesy: It was my uncles old regiment, I wonder what he'd make of the kit they've got now, It was matador's and 5.5's when he was in.
whats your mark , cablelifts ??

Aye, Multilift cablelifts with 20' bodies. When we first started up we hired in an 18 tonne Multilift which had about 8 tonne payload. It was manageable when delivering, but it's surprising how much gear the lads can put on a body when stripping a decent size job :amazed: When we decided to buy our own, a 26 tonne version using the existing bodies was common sense given the price increase wasn't that much compared to the extra capacity.

If we were starting from scratch I'd be tempted to go for 32 tonners with 26' bodies - twice as many boards on a body :nuts:
yeh 8 legger to restrictive to most places but i see what you mean
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