New Fitting


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2010
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Down South
Do you think that we will ever see a new purpose designed fitting?
What type of fitting would it be?
Or are all bases covered,so to speak of.
depends on any new building techniques or materials used in building or construction in the future i suppose, i think all major bases are covered but with all this new pre fab building techiques and stuff who knows what the future requirements are, it could be a case of rapid erection an dismantling very light duty scaffolds around a pre fab or even possibly a self climbing style scaffold similar to formwork, basic scaffolds that just bolt onto the side of pre fab or maybe even just bolt onto the side of any building eliminating lifts and foot prints
I think it would be possible to design a fitting with front end fixing only something like a B/P with a means of inserting a 2 or 3 board bracket straight onto it. Easy to fix, easy to take out.

Necessity is the Mother of invention, therefore, there is always room for improvement, perhaps all the bases have been covered, however, the materials used to Manufacture current Scaffold component parts ( Both Tube and Couplers ) may change in time. The historical time line of materials being used are Bamboo, Timber and Fibre and metal chains being the method of fixing.

Perhaps, in times to come the Chemical Engineers may come up with a composite material that can be gleaned from re-cycled polymer/polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon based waist. Tube and Couplers made form such materials may have anti-corrosion properties thus prolonging the serviceability of the component parts and may prove more mailable and ductile, this provision may improve the elasticity of the components thus requiring less force to deploy a Coupler to a Tube.

I had occasion to field test a pre-fabricated system Scaffold made from Man made from carbon fibres, however, this proved brittle and stress fractures appeared on the node points, it was placed in quarantine and there it is to this day. Nevertheless, as I said, there is always room for improvement, so I would not dismiss further development just because the afore mentioned System proved questionable.

There was a Member mentioned composites on an earlier thread, I can remember who it was now !.

What did you have in mind meercat ? got a new initiative in mind ?

I thought and tried to think of a clip (single) that swiveled, for instance when you need your inside boarded lift ledger to work on any angle and still get a good hold without putting un required standards all over the place making the job look like a bag of sh1t, or someone from middlesbrough had erected,:nuts:
coments please:D
A lot of years ago, i was doing quite a bit of Roof saddle work, and what a pain it was pushing your saddle tube up to the ridge, snagging on slates tiles etc.

I thought at the time, why not have a double with a 3ft butt attached with a wheel at either end on some sort of axle, and a plate welded on top. So you could attach this to your tube, push it up the roof to the ridge, flip it over for the plate to engage, just like a henwalk and Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt.

Im trying to see it in my minds eye, so please bear with me, are you talking about when the transom in sitting on top of the ledger other than at an angle of 90 Degrees :unsure:---where the ledgers are not running parallel ?...
You mean like for doing a Hexagon or something mate? to kick you off, instead of a load of prefabs knocked up? ....... i might be on the wrong wavelength here guys, apologies if so.:D
Yes Garry, however your ledger is your transom, both inside and out.
Just say You kick off 20' and your return is 40' but an angle of say 35*, you can't put single's on correctlly to catch all four (original ledgers) you can get the corner one off the standard but the others dont SIT right, you can wrap them off, however they are not true so to speak.
Try doing an building 200M round not one 90* return with 14 returns without a "swivel clip"
batter's ya head man, and bends a lot of singles.

---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 PM ----------

You mean like for doing a Hexagon or something mate? to kick you off, instead of a load of prefabs knocked up? ....... i might be on the wrong wavelength here guys, apologies if so.:D

not quite a hexagon paddy, you can get away with putting extra standards in when it is all uniform and 4M towers etc?

I'm not doing the job now it was a few year ago but it still needs a "swivell clip":laugh:
Just add water scaffolding!! :D

Well thats what some site agents think you've got. Especially when its up hill with no access other than the good old legs!!
Jakdan. Think what you have in mind can be done with Mills 90's. The first run is straight and as you say the return goes off at 35 degrees, as the Mills doubles on transom are the same height as the single, you can position the end standards to suit the 35 degree return using Mills 90's, you still have the right levels and spacing, no extra standards required.
Jakdan. Think what you have in mind can be done with Mills 90's. The first run is straight and as you say the return goes off at 35 degrees, as the Mills doubles on transom are the same height as the single, you can position the end standards to suit the 35 degree return using Mills 90's, you still have the right levels and spacing, no extra standards required.

Brandy, i can see where your coming from mate, however, a 90 is a 90.

This is not a thread to resolve projects that have been undertaken or about to be taken on.

This is just a consensus of things when we were a lot younger, trying to fathom out the intricasies of scaffolding, in the days before we needed a design to put up a scaffold on a job.

Just a bit of a laugh really mate, however, at the same time, still a learning curve, I myself plus many others in the game, Still learn, and very happy to learn also.

Good post Brandy mate.;)
Brandy, i can see where your coming from mate, however, a 90 is a 90.

This is not a thread to resolve projects that have been undertaken or about to be taken on.

This is just a consensus of things when we were a lot younger, trying to fathom out the intricasies of scaffolding, in the days before we needed a design to put up a scaffold on a job.

Just a bit of a laugh really mate, however, at the same time, still a learning curve, I myself plus many others in the game, Still learn, and very happy to learn also.

Good post Brandy mate.;)
i m back to not needing a design for a job and loving it .half the time the company im on for havnt even seen the job. . i had one this morning on a pair of homos house in jesmond ,they didnt want to upset the neighbours so we couldnt go in there gardens and they had an off shot . an 8 foot tower ended up being a 26 foot back .wing ties , cantilevers ,lip ties . all knocked up with what we had on the wagon .fook drawings
I would like to see a swivel type single for splay corners, and walls that are not square... lol
Brandy, i can see where your coming from mate, however, a 90 is a 90.

This is not a thread to resolve projects that have been undertaken or about to be taken on.

This is just a consensus of things when we were a lot younger, trying to fathom out the intricasies of scaffolding, in the days before we needed a design to put up a scaffold on a job.

Just a bit of a laugh really mate, however, at the same time, still a learning curve, I myself plus many others in the game, Still learn, and very happy to learn also.

Good post Brandy mate.;)
Paddy, not sure if thats a polite reprimand, not to worry I've had many in my day, water off a ducks back. I take your point regarding the purpose of the thred, IE, the development of a new fitting. Was replying to Jakdans post re- returns of other than 90 degrees and as far as I'm aware the only way this can be achieved without the use of swivels or the devopment of a swivel clip, is the use of Mills 90's, double on double. By the way, No offence taken.

Just as an afterthought RE- development of a swivel clip for returns, If it's not load bearing it would'nt be allowed.
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Ah yes, I can remember the days when the Scaffolder done the lot form conception to completion.

Load the Truck = Bill of Quantities
get to the job = Logistics
Sus the job = pre-Job Analysis
Plan the job = Method Statement
Identify the Risks = Risk Assessment
Erect the Job = Safe System of Work
And anything else pertaining to the Job

Iv probably left something out !

ALL of the above and more was done by the Scaffolder and his Squad, NOW, it is done by a office full of NEBOSH Safety Officer wantabee's.

Scaffolders are born problem solvers, one cannot always erect to the specifications on Drawing---we got to ad-lib and use our initiative, again something that a Scaff can do, and do well...

and a half bottle of RUM in yer Donkey Jacket pocket, purly for medicinal purposes :nuts:
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