need help on going out to oz

wes kav

Well-known member
Jun 5, 2010
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hi lads im looking on going out to oz on a holiday visa and im gonna be looking for work out there can any one give me any info on were to start please as in wha cards i would ect cheers:)
hi lads im looking on going out to oz on a holiday visa and im gonna be looking for work out there can any one give me any info on were to start please as in wha cards i would ect cheers:)

You can do what I did...pick up a white & yellow pages......turn to "S" and start phoning scaffold companies...but be ready for the smart replies because of your accent.....You'll be supprised. The bloke I ended up with used to work with some of the guys I was working with in London before he emigrated....its a small world;)
I dont think you can work on a holiday visa. Have you got a work permit? If not the Aussies are tough on this.
You cant work on a holiday visa , but there is nothing to stop you looking to see whats on offer then coming home and applying for a work visa
Fair Point Philio, He says he wants to work there. Lived in Melbourne awhile back. English bird worked in the chippie opposite flat I lived in. Got lifted one day,got taken to her flat,allowed to pack her bags,then straight to the airport.
Yer they dont mess about in OZ so i wouldnt try and work on a holiday visa just find out whats out there work wise and get contacts
You can get a working holiday visa if your under 30 mate.
I dont phone for jobs anymore myself... i just sit back and let them come to me.
0 jobs offered in 6 months, so far - so im not doing too bad. :p
Most of the works in WA kev,you,ll need to change your cards over cost me 1200 but a 400 rebate pretty quick.Its expensive if your not working so bring some back up goin on a working holiday visa and try for a sponsor when your here.despite what people say sponsorship isn't hard to get in Perth cos it's classed as a regional area (sticks) good luck
Caledonia Scaffolding in Adelaide were sponsoring scaffolders recently, not sure if they still are might be worth looking them up?

All the Best
English bird worked in the chippie opposite flat I lived in. Got lifted one day,got taken to her flat,allowed to pack her bags,then straight to the airport.

Why the fuck1ng hell dont we do that with all the illigals, the Aussies have got it bang right if you dont belong there your out.
The work is either poorly paid in relation to he extremely high cost of living or it's industrial work on the mines - which means living and working away in tough conditions.

Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth are often considered the cities to offer a great lifestyle, but the reality is that unless you are a reasonably high, two income household then getting on the property ladder or living in a half-decent area is way beyond the budget of someone on a scaffolders wage.

People talk about going to the beach after work and stuff. Yes you can do that, but believe me, that gets boring after a while.

Pubs are very, very expensive. Forget going out with your work mates on a Friday night and getting hammered - most scaffs can't afford it. That is the reality.

There is also poor infrastructure on the housing estates, so forget having local pubs around the corner from your house. You might be lucky if there is a milk bar within 10 minutes walk.

The weather is overrated (although far better than the uk). It can get very cold in the winter down south. The television is appalling, they have the same social and economic problems that everyone else does and house prices are extremely high in areas where you're likely to find scaffolding work. Nobody goes out in the week - so believe me, a cold winters day in Sydney with neighbours on the telly at 19.00 can be very depressing.

I lived and worked there for 2 years, my brother lives there, I visit every year and have visited every state and territory (yes, including Tasmania) so dont jump down my throat if you disagree with me! It is a great country, but it ain't the utopia that some people believe it to be.

Oh yeah, and Adelaide is probably the most boring city in the world.

Good luck.
So the grass isnt always greener on the other side then

Absolutely not.

I had a very interesting conversation with a Greek cab driver in Perth last year. He'd lived in Australia for 25 years and said that he hated every moment of it. He couldn't afford to move back to Greece and he basically said that a lot of ex-pats paint a far rosier picture to their friends and family back home than the reality.

It was an interesting conversation, although he piped down a bit when he pulled up outside my brothers $3 million house in Cottosloe...
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