My new site.

lolol fcukin saturday morning about 10:30 thought that would be the time when all would be quite with not many on the road lolo, got em back to the yard but will be too wary to move em anywhere else looks like my scrap piles gonna get bigger lolol
when i said about an article on immigrant scaffolders i was only joking , im still trying to think of something but i can only seem to think about things that highlight things that are wrong in the industry , but i'll keep rattling my brain till i come up with something and then i'll write it and see what u think.

youve inspired me though , i was heading in the web/media direction but gave up when the money involved dropped significantly about 7 or 8 years ago , seemed like evryone got into web/graphic design , plus i didnt want to sit in an office , i wanted to work for myself , would that be something like dreamweaver youve used for your site.

im working on some animations just now , creating some characters that id hope to develop into maybe something like harry enfields 2 scaff characters , i think an animation with a couple of comedy scaffs could be good , teaching myself all over again , didnt realise id forgotten so much
JB78. i didn't use dream-weaver for my site,well the first one was done after learning dream-weaver for a year but its just a pain in the arse, I'm glad i did learn it as its handy for the HTML aspect of a web site. But is a word press site. they are so much cleaner looking and so easy to maintain. Ive done other sites for scaffolding firms that i know but done them in a site builder package as they didn't want to send a lot of money on one. The way i see life is simple, everything around you is getting more expensive bills etc but the daily rate you get paid is still the same as it was 5 years ago so the only thing that changes is the amount you have to spend per week IE getting less,so you need a second income !. hopefully one day my site will make that little bit up !.
well it looks like youre on the right track , ideally im gonna create a cartoon animation about 2 scaffs , but i'll prob still be trying this time next year , animations are so time consuming , ive just spent the best part of 20 hours on a 30 second animation , hopefully i'll get quicker.

Im thinkin of calling it , The master and his Dog
i was after a bit of animation for my banner were you have a wall then the tubes fly in and it builds a scaffold, I I, H , HHH sort of thing but i was advised that it would cost loads to get done, the other way i was going to do it was just by taking a photo one by one of a scaffolding being built, ive left a space at top of my site for it !
i'll see what i can do , thats the thing about animations , the money involved can be mega , the people who do this know most people have no idea whats involved and because its time consuming you could pay hundreds for a 60 second animation.

ive plenty of time so i'll get on it tonite
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