Multiple scaffolders required, London.

Sep 12, 2013
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London/Home Counties
Multiple scaffolders required for starts on Monday 16th Sept.

Part 2 & Advanced only.

Various starts throughout London (South Kensington, Waterloo, SE1, E6)

Must have full PPE, valid CISRS card & photo ID.

Rate of pay & length of job varies between £15-£17.50 and 1 week-8 weeks

For further information or to apply for this role please contact us on 01245 449100.
Heard on here that your a pile of ***** and that lads have got knocked and for that reason I'm out.
I worked for them once, got told the rate, haggled a bit, did the job and got paid. End of.
Octain have been one of the better agency's over the past few years along with Forefront.

I know forefront are ok but there have been a few negatives posted on here about octane and at the end of the day I think all agencies are parasites that are fecking up the construction industry. I don't know of any that comply with the NJC agreement
Doubles there may well be lads that would be glad to take this job ,
i also heard on here that J.Gibbs is the best scaffolder in the world it dont mean its true though
Maybe there are lads that would take it , Personally I look at it like this for every hour you work for an agency earning £12- £14 an hour the agency is parasiting about £4 an hour off you. Thats why I never have and never will work for these parasites living off others hard graft. If I'm going to get shafted then your going to end up with ***** on your cock :)
I worked for then on a job in Halifax and payed top money in fact I did a bit of haggling and got a few bob more out of then it was just the the company we were working for that was **** but would work for Octain again no problem
I worked for then on a job in Halifax and payed top money in fact I did a bit of haggling and got a few bob more out of then it was just the the company we were working for that was **** but would work for Octain again no problem

Hey wilf, what job were you on in halifax?. Im from up that way pal.
It was three blocks ov flats just outside Halifax Harsco leeds were the scaffolding company that one the project but only had a supervisor on site then they sent a few lads from Liverpool there scaffy
I was on the new royal halifax hospital, going back some years did you find ol happy flaps as we call it.?
Maybe there are lads that would take it , Personally I look at it like this for every hour you work for an agency earning £12- £14 an hour the agency is parasiting about £4 an hour off you. Thats why I never have and never will work for these parasites living off others hard graft. If I'm going to get shafted then your going to end up with ***** on your cock :)

I think the days of agencys making 4 quid an hour are long gone pal.

In regards to octain used to be a good agency there was a lad called tom who worked there he was spot on you had to haggle a bit like the lads said but you were allways paid on time and it was right.
Did it not take a week to put a ring round with the agency lads... ? Wilf
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