
Dean Davies

Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
I have been looking at the scaffs forum for a few weeks now. I have'nt posted much but I log on most days.

There are a few people floating round on here that are forum moderators and i was wondering what it is they are suposed to do.

After the recent post about the company and indivdule we are not allowd to mention, it got me thinking that themoderators should be dleting posts like that as they are put up. Its not only that they dont dlete them, but on lots of ocasions, they actually get involved and slate different poeple. i know the forum is all about opinions, but if we want to be taken seriasly then we should be carefull about who we are slagging off and try not just to moan all the time

I personaly think that the moderators should be chnaged or admin should tell them what sort of posts are acceptible.
admin doesnt allow them access to delete posts ....he's scared we'll run or give the Blades a good
dean i think the forum is used greatly for the good of the industry by the many,but i dont think we should be trying to cap peoples views and comments,as for slating well as most big boys in here would say water off a ducks back mate.i like to read the positive comments but with positive comes negative sometimes we need these comments to balance up views,4000 members is why this cosa nostra will be taken seriouse i think mate.
same as not allowed to do anything
Exactley , can only recomend posts for removal or attention , didnt see the libellous post
Thats after tax , cash in the hand
............ good idea , i havent sent the expenses form in yet

So phil181 have you sussed the slagging of yet - if so pm me matey !!!
Im a moderator you know ?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?
............ good idea , i havent sent the expenses form in yet

So phil181 have you sussed the slagging of yet - if so pm me matey !!!
Im a moderator you know ?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

Mate, I've searched and searched. Not a clue!

Haven't you sent an expense form in for that crocodile skin mouse pad yet?
Na mate on a lap top here !!!

I can only think it was a certain training centre and MD which was being bad mouthed , Maybe DEAN DAVIES can share the info by a PM , also dean if you want to be seconded for the position of moderator mate then let me knnow (just for the record i was a ***** prefect at school too)
or trouble maker ....... don king in it
Na mate on a lap top here !!!

I can only think it was a certain training centre and MD which was being bad mouthed , Maybe DEAN DAVIES can share the info by a PM , also dean if you want to be seconded for the position of moderator mate then let me knnow (just for the record i was a ***** prefect at school too)

Actually I was hoping to be selected for the next round of moderatorshipness.

It's been my dream since childhood.
Phill you would love it £50K a year basic plus expenses , london weighting the works mate
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thought you had one of them already ?? Does it have the paddle shift gearbox tho...........
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