Missing mods???

Is that not a How to Body Pop with your host, Jason Gibbs instructional video?

---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Edmund Burke

Quite a few of the members still posting, remember what this Forum used to represent.

We always had the members that treated the Forum like a three year old with a colouring book and a crayon, scribbling on every page as fast as possible with no thought as to content or presentation. With a little help the three year old will learn about such things as respect for others and self worth.

This time last year 700/750 members visited the site every day, we are now lucky to have 350 log in, let alone post or start a thread.

Your avatar speaks volumes about your sunny disposition and general optimistic outlook.
I think we should have a "See who can spot the worst scaffold thread" we could then post a picture of it and all vote every week, that would interesting. How's that for innovating .
So lets get this clear , what do people want us Mods to do ?

do they want us to sniff around every thread looking for any reason to jump in and start deleting threads and treating the lads like school children ?

Personally i think Jason Gibbs gives as good as he gets and loves nothing more better then causing a drama , i been here a long time and have never deleted anything other then spam , i think if your man enough to give it the big one on here then deal with the sh it that comes your way simple .

I fully support all my fellow mods decisions if they deem it right to delete a thread then that's there right and if you have a problem with that then go cry to admin,
and before anyone says i dont be on line often iam here every single day at some point without fail, and i have no problem with deleting threads that i deem unacceptable if thats the case there wont be much for anyone to come here for, so get of the moderators backs and let us do the moderating as we and admin see fit ;)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Can a Mod please come and Mod the above Mods post----Reason he mentioned gibbs :) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

That could work Russ although I would imagine that there would be more southern based posts than northern based posts :laugh:
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There's no point deleting ewt on here because it's the same annoying sh!t on every thread, it's gone from an informative site to worse than facebook, if people don't like it they just shouldn't come on... Simples!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Can a Mod please come and Mod the above Mods post----Reason he mentioned gibbs :) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

That could work Russ although I would imagine that there would be more southern based posts than northern based posts :laugh:
True, everybody up north uses quick stage or cuplock, you have to be a complete retard to cock that stuff up. I think we should have howler of the week though.
Babe of the week followed by motor of the week followed by best or worst scaffold of the week would be good.

Good post Rigger but remember we're all scaffs at heart regardless of where we end up.
So lets get this clear , what do people want us Mods to do ?

do they want us to sniff around every thread looking for any reason to jump in and start deleting threads and treating the lads like school children ?

Personally i think Jason Gibbs gives as good as he gets and loves nothing more better then causing a drama , i been here a long time and have never deleted anything other then spam , i think if your man enough to give it the big one on here then deal with the sh it that comes your way simple .

I fully support all my fellow mods decisions if they deem it right to delete a thread then that's there right and if you have a problem with that then go cry to admin,
and before anyone says i dont be on line often iam here every single day at some point without fail, and i have no problem with deleting threads that i deem unacceptable if thats the case there wont be much for anyone to come here for, so get of the moderators backs and let us do the moderating as we and admin see fit ;)

Well said phillios
present and reporting for duty SUR!!:laugh::cool:

Are we under attack:amazed:
Thing is its going to happen! You never know who any one is so the likely hood of you catching these "knob heads" is second to none so get over it lads its a forum! Not face book
Does the forum require more moderation?

When more MODs were added, there was uproar that the Fun Police would stop everyone having fun and remove every swear word. Fecking ejiits.
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