manufacturing in the uk

Would do,but discovered she's made o Madame 2swords maybe!
LOL!!! 2 swords would do the job nicely fred!
we are not amused OOPS that was a strong lady and leader.
as stated how dare the torys actually state we need a strong manufacturing base to avoid future recession when they od feck all to curb electricity and gas prices which would be used in any factory,and also the rip off petrol and diesel which would be used to transport commodities to and from customers and hence make the price sky high.
is it me or do they not seem to get it
One has their place in society,Doesnt one,Dafty. The common folk must be kept in
So whats needed to kick off our manufacturing industry?
One million age 16-24 unemployed. Apparently these figures are wrong cos 300,000 are still in education.
grew up in glasgow and call me paranoid,but within 1 year of her reign glasgow,liverpool and probably london were awash with heroin.everyone of the lads 3 years older than me were hooked total despair and young lives wasted.the paranoid theory is that give it to them and they wont be able to fight back while we destroy their "leftwing" powerbases and subdue them totally.
she was lucky that the argies invaded the falklands as the victory and the whole flag waving got the country on a high apart from those too stoned on a downer to get high
daftscaff it will not be the first time that the Politaria have used narcotics to kul or manipulate the masses into their will.
oh yes franco the GOODIES have been around since time began and kept back from them unless it suited the cause.
opium (smack) we fought a war with china due to smugglers jardine and mathieson polluting china via shanghai,a war that won hong kong for jardine and mathieson/britain and made them into the biggest trading company ever.
then you have cocaine which has been used and abused by queen vic no less,hash mushrooms theyre all bad for the common man but we are educated and can understand the stuff but the common hes not ready:eek:

not advocating drugs in any way but we are **** on their shoe and always will be
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