manufacturing in the uk


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Apr 18, 2011
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the tories have declared that we need to build a stronger manufacturing base to help pull us out of recession and overt any further recessions.
correct me if im wrong but but we had one until a certain grocers daughter decided to smash it peices,stating that we only need a sevice economy based on the banking and insurance sectors.yes the same besterds who got us in the mess we are in just now and dont really give a monkeys about helping us out of it.
i personally think this a damn cheek of the tories are they that daft they dont even know the history of their party and its part in the demise of GB :mad::mad::mad:
Can only agree Happy, that and selling of the family silver in the shape of BT and the like. Result, pi ss poor.
AOM too true it was also those cants who decided that we would let the multinational yanks,shell and bp rape the norht sea for a pittence.
they also sold britoil (set up by tony benn)british gas(also now centrica and bg) feck me the revenues from this lot alone would clear the national debt
I could never understand how they ever got in power and I know this is pre conceived but the tory supporters I ever met from a working class back ground were all wanna be's. I don't mean that as bad as it sounds as having a goal in life is a good thing but I think Thatcher hood winked a fair few into thinking they could be middle class. The sad truth is they are still on the same sites I am.
AOM youve got class and these cants will never no matter how much cash they get
I could never understand how they ever got in power and I know this is pre conceived but the tory supporters I ever met from a working class back ground were all wanna be's. I don't mean that as bad as it sounds as having a goal in life is a good thing but I think Thatcher hood winked a fair few into thinking they could be middle class. The sad truth is they are still on the same sites I am.

I think they done a better deal with the Libs than Labour.
I think they done a better deal with the Libs than Labour.

Clegg would have sold his mother into slavery to get the deputy prime ministers job, his closest relatives better watch out if there is any chance of him getting the no1 position
aom "I could never understand how they ever got in power"

By doing a "behind closed door" deal with the Lib's,Labours last few years in government was appaling, but ther should have been another election.

Not the shamble's that ensued after the last election

Glad I am not a Liberal voter they got well sold down the river
Agreed, but I was not only referring to the last election but way back to when that boot thatcher walked in the door, I can still see the front page of the paper proclaiming history has been made but little did we know what kind.
manufacturing in the uk is alive and well Happy,, 3rd world Getto's are springing up every where, The slave trade & people trafficing albeit for sexual or benifit reasons is thriving, we might not be the exporting power of yesteryear!!!!!!! but the previous & current governments have managed to import with the help of the EU the most vile scheming scum who can play our flawed system better than the indiginous natives.
maggie bitch!

that bitch from grantham totally destoyed the manufacturing infrastructure of this island.
we couldnt even build the last QE2, had to give the job to italian shipbuilders to do it for us. and theres us with the proudest shipbuilding history in the world. all the trams that appeared in manchester in the early 90s was made in italy too! ect ect... instead of waiting for the recession of the 70s to pass she scrapped the lot!
what a fkn embarresment from the workshop of the world to a service industry. the old slag should be put up against a fkn wall!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad
Nothing changes, the new trams for Edinburgh came from Germany I think it was just around the same time the last British supplier started paying men off.
:nuts: i hate polotics and all parties but am def gonna vote EUKIP this time around as at least their main aim is to get us out of this EU crap that we'r stuck with.
i'd never vote labour again and have never even contemplated voting for the tory scum.
what else is there to do? arab spring??? bring on the british equivalent!!!!:mad:
Thatcherism, Was Singularly The Worst Thing That Ever Happened To This Country, She Single Handedly Destroyed Our Manufacturing Industries Prefering The Sevice Sector With Part Time Hours And Crap Wages (For The Employees That Is) While Selling Off Whole Industries To Asset Strippers Like James Goldsmith And Tiny Rowland.
dead right gerscaff but instead of being seen for the blundering criminal that she was she is still fkn worshiped by the newspaper media. theres even a new film starring meryl streep no doubt portraying her as a true british hero.
i'd like to think any brit PM would have sent a task force to the falklands but it made her immortal in the medias eyes and she's dined out on it ever since. she thinks shes bodaccia or whatever they call her now.
cunard and the QE2 built abroad and then the big flagwaving send off at southampton made me fecking sick.
BP on the news a couple of weeks ago lauding about investment in the claire field but not mentioning anything about the new fpso for the schiehallion field which is currently being built in korea,thanks for that 1 nothing like looking after yer own kind eh especially in times of great need :mad::mad::mad:
It is very telling that feminists keep very quiet about Margaret Thatcher. They bleat on about wanting more women MPs and company directors on the assumption that a woman's approach is more "caring" and less confrontational, but the reality is very different.

This country needs a Mike Rowe.
[ame=]Mike Rowe Speaks To Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee [05-11-11] - YouTube[/ame]
and nipples like ships rivets!!!!! :nuts:
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