Major inspection on one of my jobs due to accident.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2010
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North Korea
If you're on a McAlpine's job in London then you will be having a major scaffold inspection this morning.

A bricky had an accident with a ladder yesterday at St James' and died.

I don't know anything else yet until the inspection .
Everything was fine. They are hitting a lot of jobs this morning.
I'm assuming the ladder was part of the scaffolding yes HSWT as he fell 20ft. Don't know anything else yet.
Sadly a fellow construction worker has died as a result of falling. Although we have no other information thoughts are with his relatives at the moment. A bad day for us all.
CB&I policy is that everyone wears a harness.All ladders have an inertia reel fixed at the top of the ladder with a rope for pulling the hooking attachment down to the foot of the ladder. All people ascending or descending MUST be hooked on. It makes sense when you consider that all working platforms are fully boarede and handrailed the only chance of a man falling is when using the ladder.
who is cb&i is it chicago boilers
a lot of drilling rigs also use the inertia on ladders,it is a good idea especially when you think of the slippery surfaces o the drillers.
condolences to all the family of the bereived
Incidents like this will only reinforce HSE push for external staircases on all scaffolds which was a thread a couple weeks ago.

Seemed easy to ridicule the idea then - easier to see why the emphasis now. Poor fecker.
Incidents like this will only reinforce HSE push for external staircases on all scaffolds which was a thread a couple weeks ago.

Seemed easy to ridicule the idea then - easier to see why the emphasis now. Poor fecker.

Then the HSE should be pushing for a complete nationwide ban on the possession and use of ladders. The majority of fall from height accidents at home are from ladders. With the large number of qualified scaffolders in the UK, together with the wide range of aluminium access towers, powered access etc there is no need for anyone to own a ladder.
Sad that a man has lost his life , did he fall down the ladder stage or did he fall of the ladder ?
We've scaffolded countless properties just so someone can wash the windows down.
But every scaffold had a ladder access.
Real shame. I know at lot of the management at St James sq, not the usual couldn't give a toss type you get on macs up north. The scaff runnng the jobs a good bloke too.
When i had just left school my da a painter and decorator took me out with him rather than sitting about the house.we were painting the gable on an old victorian house his extended ladder never had enough height there was an old door lieing outside the skip he lay the door across the top of the skip and put the ladder on top and bawheid had to hold the ladder.when i think back it was fecking crazy but he was self employed and the job had be done;)
Ladders Were Banned On A Load Of Sites Years Ago, Its All Staircase Units Now, They Are Actually Easier To Install As Long As You Take The Bays Up With You, Erecting A Stair Access Last Thing Is A Pain In The Arse Like.
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