Mad Friday

its been a while since iv been on a building site akin to pachendale mate,not a happy bunny in the mud.
We don't get them often ourselves much to be honest but we do get them especially with the self builders who don't care about what their sites like during the building stage. Just have to live with it when it comes up.
im sure you have your favourite squad for such salubriouse assignments such as those aom:cry::cry:
All for one and one for all. On most jobs but especially the dirty jobs I prefer to go with the super squad and get it over and done with as soon as possible. I still get accused of favouritism some times and I hate listening to whining but only split them up when I really have too. Two handed gangs while seemingly popular with others is a bit unbalanced for me.
been a while since worked two handed mate,think it was a homer lol,every company has the preverbial super squad slash it up and await the callback.
Two handed gangs while seemingly popular with others is a bit unbalanced for me.
Never a more true saying, what is it with two handed squads better than three, what a load of p1sh.
true they are better if you are men down or its only kicking off, but give me 2 three's over 3 two,s anyday.
does that make sense?:nuts:
yea i agree with that,amendments daywork and setting off two man squad be ample,but on taking a lump up or down more sense to use the traditional 3man squad id say.
3 man minimum for me when I can. I thought 2 handed was quite popular on here but maybe I was wrong.
pardon my ignorance lads but when did the advent of 2men squads come about and dose anybody know why???
its spreading like a fukcin virus in the north east, does my fukcin head in.

i think it all started about 6 year ago when all was good and you couldnt get the men on site so you started to split squads to please whinging SM's.yes i was guilty of it, bad karma always comes back to haunt:D

---------- Post added at 06:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 PM ----------

sorry for messing the thread up, wont be the first time i fukced up on mad friday
i prefer 3 men squads , in my opinion a 3 man squad must save 50% time on jobs compared to 2 man squads.

for example a 3 man squad can erect a back and front of a house while the 2 man erects the front only ( or the back before any clever sod says that lol )

celtibhoy you have passed me again i notice lol:D
the weathers to blame for that mate dont worry the next blizzard is but 3-4days away,more down time.
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