Mad Friday


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2009
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Just wondering what day other firms are finishing this year. Next friday:) or christmas eve?:sad:
next tuesday off to florida first holiday in 2 years rest of the lads working tillm thursday
all depends bud ive seen us get the lads to bring clothes in with them cos we been so busy, go to work then they generally pair off to each others house to get washed and meet at pub , other years we broke up early and meet up at pub at a given time an date, this year might be tricky with bad weather making jobs go on few days longer but still need stripping before xmas time will see
Yer the weather playing games with us to. Lot of roofing jobs still up coz roofers wont go in icey roofs. So don't know when they gonna want them down.
nightmare dan innit , seems all of a sudden we talking bout black eye friday yet know there must be a very busy phone day due any day soon with people wanting scaffold down asap, plus weathermen predict freezing temperatures monday and possible more snow , so the only thing you can do is DRINK :laugh:
turning up xmas eve dont intend doing a stroke of work ,in the pub at opening time home when wife phones usualy about 11.30 , 30 minits after i got in there
I am shutting the gates on Wed 22nd then reopening on Tue 4th Jan (I wish), but I know there will be customers banging on my door for jobs to be done (factory maintenance mainly).
now come on guys who can openly say she wears the trousers in the house...
coljon phone her up tell her in your most drunken voice exactly what you are going to do to her when you get home in minute by minute detail , tell her bout stripping her bare using nothing but your teeth, and how by the time you finished you expect to have worn an inch off the end of your tongue :nuts: and how the nieghbours will probably phone the police because of all her screaming :laugh:

id prefer the friday finish,turn up clock in clock out then its the biggest party day of the year they everyone going for it that day enjoy yaselfs you earned it lads.
Officially we finish Christmas eve, I told the boy's this morning though that work permitting we will have the piss up on the Thursday and knock off a day early. We too have a few roofing jobs that has been delayed, any standing at the moment can be dismantled no bother but any he wants erecting will just have to stay up over the holiday's. Either way we will have a busy finish to the year but hopefully should be ok for the early finish.
aom,why wernt you around when sgb pinched me as a lad lol,iv just realised black eye friday is xmas eve,so its going to be quiet for me.
aom,why wernt you around when sgb pinched me as a lad lol,iv just realised black eye friday is xmas eve,so its going to be quiet for me.

Don't be mis-lead Celtibhoy, you are only getting to hear about the good stuff on here, no mention of up to yer haw maws in mud like a world war 1 infantry man.:eek:
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